Must have been an avocado toast addict.
Ok but wordpress? Assuming that means they're selling the contents of websites set up by their users doesn't that imply they somehow claim ownership of that content? That ain't right
The title clearly says male players smh
Does P equal NP?
I don't remember any scene where Indy picked up a temple..
Biblically accurate padme
They're fishing for people who think it's important to have one because YouTube sponsorships told them so.
If health insurance gets access to our DNA they could even know if there's a history of illness in your family, or how prone you are to drug/alcohol/cigarette addiction, and use that info to increase your rates. It's just one of the reasons why volunteering that data away freely to companies like 23andme is a terrible idea.
Same, don't really see the point of filling my sub feed with something I dislike.
If the kid can't enter into the contract surely the phone wouldn't belong to them though?
Have we gotten past the point if irreparable damage? Yes. Does that mean it's pointless to reduce further damage as much as possible? Not even a little.