[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 14 points 3 weeks ago

Die Kritik am Begriff "Verbot" rührt daher, dass ja Bestandsfahrzeute weiterhin gentzt werden können. Bloß Neuzulassungen werden keine durchgeführt. Ja, faktisch werden die Autos damit vom markt genommen, es gibt aber Leute die so tun, als würde die Politik den Leuten das Auto wegnehmen und zwangsverschrotten.

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 15 points 1 month ago

Of a second I read "redistribution" there and was very surprised.

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 16 points 1 month ago

As a Biologist, this is extra hot

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 15 points 1 month ago

Is it transphobic to not be into trans people? But I agree, the cartoon seems a bit ... dusty.

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 16 points 2 months ago

I have to agree, their stealth has become a serious threat now. Before you could generally spot them easily, it was the determination and moment of surprise were they got you. Now a wounded but hidden stalker remains a concern.

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 14 points 2 months ago

REcharge, not charge up. Haven't confirmed in-game, but I am FAIRLY sure you misunderstood that one. Keep Diving!

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 13 points 2 months ago

Real heroes pick AT-Mines to maximise war crimes - also, it rhymes

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 13 points 3 months ago

"Hurr hurr, don't introduce woke propaganda, stay neutral" - true heroes know that only socio-fascist Automatons use words like "propaganda"

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 14 points 4 months ago

It's just different word for "dildo"

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 15 points 4 months ago

It sorta fits your description: The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells, if you haven't read them already. Shoutout to the author/publisher for releasing the Ebook DRM-free!

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 14 points 4 months ago

I believe OP has yet to see concerted action against minorities. Good luck to you.

[-] PhineaZ@feddit.de 15 points 9 months ago

Ich stimme die soweit zu, merke aber an, dass so zum Beispiel das Auswärtige Amt Korrekturen oder Klarstellungen nicht mehr möglich sind. Anders gesagt: Ich unterstütze eine Beibehaltung von Twitter, vorübergehend als X bekannt, als Kommunikationskanal, würde dabei aber sehr gerne ein Ausweichen auf andere Kanäle sehe.

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