[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 5 points 7 months ago

I already have a desktop, but.. So, in bed.. I have socket right next to me. No problem. Uni? There is always a free socket.

Like, I probably will get a battery somewhere down the line, it is just, not a requirement or priority at the moment

[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 5 points 7 months ago

Yup. Fun times!

[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 4 points 7 months ago

Thanks, I am definitely going to have fun with it.. While, upgrading to quadcore i7 will wait a longer while, I might buy cheap used SSDs + adapter, and run 3 SSDs in RAIDZ1, just for the heck of it. Will it be practical? Probably no. Will it be fun? Hell yea.

Also, I hope, the person who got that W540, that they very much enjoyed it as well :D

submitted 7 months ago by Nyoelle@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org


After long time of.. desire.. I ordered an used T430, for a bit below 100 euro. It seemed in a good state, had SSD, and 1600x900 screen, so, seemed good enough for that price. Albeit no battery, but I don't need one.

Now I am excited, waiting. Though, still not sure, if I will slap NixOS on it, or maybe go wild, and maybe.. Guix, or OpenBSD.

And maybe I will use that as excuse to finally poke keyboard-oriented web browsers as well, e.g Nyxt, qutebrowser, but will see

Caan'tttt waittttt

[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 4 points 8 months ago

Hell yea we do use emacs!

[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 6 points 8 months ago

I think I will survive without Wayland.. I will miss gamescope a bit, but, it is what it is.

Steam UI.. good thing I don't spend much time there.

Proprietary driver, shouldn't be a problem. (seems it is easy to install, at least on NixOS) And I don't run secure boot, so, no issues on that front :D

No DLSS, I will survive. FSR cute anyway :3

Also thanks for extensive reply, I appreciate :)

submitted 8 months ago by Nyoelle@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

So.. I used to run GTX 660, then moved to RX 560 as it released, because more comfy drivers, but...

Now, it so happened, that I will be getting 1070Ti. Which, I am really happy, but, I am curious, how is... Nvidia nowadays on Linux?

e.g Whether gamescope works, or how bad the performance degradation of DX12 games via VKD3D on Pascal is?

[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 5 points 9 months ago

I am always looking forward to new KOReader releases :D

[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 4 points 10 months ago

Otherside Picnic by Iori Mizayawa (In Japanese) - Amazing sci-fi novel, that takes inspiration from Roadside Picnic, and urban legends. Quite nicely written too, characters are quite likeable.

Lost Gods by Brom - Amazing concepts, the way Gods are portrayed there, and lots of nice mythology details there and there. The story is very much engaging as well.

The Wandering Inn - Looong, fantasy, and lots of fun world building

Half Share - Fun sci-if space opera? Regardless, pleasant experience.

[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 4 points 10 months ago

This anime rocks.

[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 4 points 10 months ago

Ooh, cute app, thanks :3

[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 26 points 10 months ago


A linux client that works, and actually gets fixes, improvements, and features, that is a lot.

Davinci Resolve

Really good video editor, and also, has Linux client.

[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 5 points 10 months ago

Oooh, I will check out Aegis and LibreTube, thanks :3

[-] Nyoelle@beehaw.org 6 points 10 months ago

Pretty meh. But at the same time, decent, but not.

So, on one hand, I got more time to spend time with friend in Hunt Showdown, fun game. On another.. I Kinda went down on reading time.. I am still averaging over hour per day, buut, it would be nice to read more q.q And I want to read more in Japanese, but some days, its just... struggle train.

submitted 10 months ago by Nyoelle@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

As in title, preferably open-source, but doesn't have to, I will start:

KOReader - Amazing reader app, and being able to use the same app across various devices, even non-android ones, is pure bliss. Japanese support is pretty good too, which makes me happy. Though.. Sadly no vertical text support :c

Syncthing-fork - Being able to keep a library of books, and some files, and easily keep the shared folder across various devices, is mega comfy. Tachiyomi - Cute manga reader.

NewPipe - Really pleasant youtube client, that i sometimes use to listen to things in the background.

Kaku - An useful Japanese OCR app, that works.. quite decently for when I encounter kanji that I do not recognize, and is not text.

EinkBro - A web browser, that on e-ink devices, is quite comfy. Has few... quirks, but works well on e-ink

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