I finally managed to make some kind of dicttaion work in games (I mainly use is in socials games like Space Station 14)
I used the following steps:
You may need some preriquisite : Use discover to install zip and git if missing
Install PIP and VOSK in python In desktop run Konsole then the following commands :
python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade
python3 -m pip install --upgrade
python3 -m pip install vosk --break-system-packages
- Install NerdDIctation
git clone https://github.com/ideasman42/nerd-dictation.git
cd nerd-dictation
wget https://alphacephei.com/kaldi/models/vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15.zip
unzip vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15.zip
mv vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15 model
You may be able to use other languages by using other models.
- Configure xbindkeys With Nano edit the file /home/deck/.xbindkeysrc to add
#Start dictation
"/home/deck/nerd-dictation/nerd-dictation begin --vosk-model-dir=/home/deck/nerd-dictation/model"
Alt + comma
#End dictation
"/home/deck/nerd-dictation/nerd-dictation end"
Alt + period
Restart the steamdeck
Test the configuration In a fresh desktop session, open a konsole and call xbindkeys. Ensure that your buttons for starting and stopping dictation work.
Adding a shortcut to game mode
- The decky way : Install the plugin Bash Shortcut configure a new shortcut - Name : Dictation - Command : konsole --noclose -e xbindkeys
- The old way : Add konsole as a non-steam game (no arguments needed, or at least -e didn't work for me) Restart In game mode, open konsole and run xbindkeys
Bind two button in the steam controller configuration for the games you wish to use dictation with. I use this (I personnaly use R5 to start the dictation and L5 to stop the dictation) :
- L5 as "Alt key" with ". key" as a sub key
- R5 as "Alt key" with ", key" as a sub key
To use normaly, run the bash shortcut before running a game.
Tell me if you got errors, I would be more that happy to help you solve problems
My bad i misread. I though you said "I can't believe that what your source". (Which was great reverse psychology) The good thing with Lemmy is you have real people, the bad thing with Lemmy, you got real people.