[-] NotAnonymousAtAll@feddit.de 18 points 6 months ago

Sailor Marx

[-] NotAnonymousAtAll@feddit.de 30 points 6 months ago

Why do you think it would not be worse without the UN?

Do you think this is the only thing the UN does? Or that everything else it does does not matter?

[-] NotAnonymousAtAll@feddit.de 33 points 7 months ago

Verfassungsschutzchef Hollmann sagte weiter: "Wir leben in einer wehrhaften Demokratie. Darin wirkt der Verfassungsschutz als ein Frühwarnsystem. Er warnt die Öffentlichkeit vor verfassungsfeindlichen Bestrebungen, damit niemand sagen kann, er hätte es nicht gewusst."

Also wenn das jetzt früh ist will ich gar nicht wissen was spät wäre. Dass die AfD rechtsextrem ist war schon seit Jahren für alle die es nicht absichtlich ignoriert haben offensichtlich.

[-] NotAnonymousAtAll@feddit.de 34 points 7 months ago

Ab wie vielen gesichert rechtsextremen Landesverbänden dürfen wir dann die ganze Partei als Nazi-Partei bezeichnen ohne empörte Reaktionen auszulösen, dass wir bösen linksgrünversifften Gutmenschen ja ständig alles in die rechte Ecke stellen und erst dadurch überhaupt Leute radikalisieren?

Dumme Frage, Entschuldigung, das hört natürlich nie auf weil es noch nie was mit der Realität zu tun hatte.

[-] NotAnonymousAtAll@feddit.de 13 points 8 months ago


That's a really strange way to spell "blatant lie".

[-] NotAnonymousAtAll@feddit.de 32 points 9 months ago

I agree with the general sentiment that there are limits to what should be possible even with the rule of cool.

In this specific case we don't even need to go into the territory of undefined stuff that the DM decides on the fly, the rules as written already explicitly say "You create up to 10 gallons of clean water within range in an open container."

[-] NotAnonymousAtAll@feddit.de 31 points 9 months ago

Add some coffee?

[-] NotAnonymousAtAll@feddit.de 29 points 11 months ago

About comments:

Please please please, do not always write comments. Try to write code that does not need comments whenever possible. Proper variable, class and method names go a long way. If you think a block of code needs a comment, turn it into a method and give it a proper name instead.

Comments should be a last resort for cases where making the code self explanatory is not possible, and those should be rare.

About optimization:

Optimal code is code that fulfills it's purpose without observable issues.

If you try to make something faster without any prior complaints or measurements indicating that it being slow is an actual issue, you are not optimizing, you are just engaging in mental masturbation.

[-] NotAnonymousAtAll@feddit.de 17 points 11 months ago

Both, both is good.

[-] NotAnonymousAtAll@feddit.de 18 points 11 months ago

Outlawing the dog meat industry is a step in the right direction.

Outlawing just the dog meat industry instead of all meat industry is hypocritical.

[-] NotAnonymousAtAll@feddit.de 33 points 11 months ago

TL;DR: Looks promising in mice, not tested in humans yet.

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