Seems like you'll hate it. I would've thought you'd prefer guns in school and no welfare because governments governing pisses you off.

Are you planning on coming back or do you just it just annoy you that the usa isn't the entire world?

Pokémon let's go (to the star for a cheeky one) Eeve

Industry pressure is my guess. Easier to start with the "nuh dah" examples than get caught in the lootboxes == slots legal battles.

Payoff is longer than 3 years so it won't happen.

I think sometimes when I try to point out that political violence underpins much of society people hear "violence is good actually".

It's frustrating because what I'm trying to point out is actually the opposite. Prostrating yourself lets other people use violence with no checks.

[-] 30 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

you can criticise the world without resorting to past = bad which often hides things we have lost.

Also oats are nutritious, delicious, and efficient.

How about pointing out how hard you work to afford food that is often thrown out lest it undermine keeping you slaved to "the economy" etc.

No actually I'm not done. Wanting fewer material things is good actually. Opulence need not manifest in terms of the aquisition of territory and things. What if you have a tiny home and breakfast gruel but you get idle time, community, gorgeous views, freedom etc.

the problems with society aren't that you can't eat figs every meal and stroll around your estate, it's that mere subsitence demands your soul.

I dunno you tell me what the subtext of opening with defending the cops and denying that cops target media. Then goes into both-sidesism.

And then wow look at what happens later:

But to say we shouldn't place any blame on individuals over-simplifies the problem. There are multiple issues at play here, I don't think you can just wave away the personal responsibility of the individuals involved.

Oh look it's both sides are at fault again. If you're filming at a protest, or even attending you have some personal responsibility for getting collaterally shot in the face or teargassed.

This is nonsense, the violence is extremely asymmetrical and involves the use of indiscriminate weapons. I mean imagine if a protestor fired rubber bullets or teargas into a crowd to hit a shell or LM exec, what would anyone be saying about that person? He's not presenting some nuanced critique, he's gone straight into defending violence which would constitute literal war crimes if it wasn't the police doing it.

Used to ride before arthritis took it. Fuck loud pipes, they don't help you enough to justify the social burden if they ever help you at all.

It's highly likely ancient people would be very well spoken, given they had to talk and convince each other of things all the time. Also most of their recreation would have involved talking to some degree or another.

So I would probably do a poetry sesh about how this fucking bonkers terrifying and um could the sun come back please?

It's hard to be more specific without more specificity.

But if you can get your hands on a practice exam, or at least practice exams for the topics covered, then by trying those you could identity the areas you most need improvement on.

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