[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 1 points 22 minutes ago

I don't speak German but I also don't have any kind of language filter on Lemmy so I'm a bit disappointed I haven't seen any pizza memes. I miss the Bean and Beef Stroganoff times

[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 4 points 15 hours ago

Yes I hate teeth whitening in general. I really dislike that unnatural shade of white. What gets me of their advertising methods is that they usually prey on people's insecurities based on the myth that the whiter your teeth the healthier they must be.

[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 4 points 15 hours ago

I see, thanks for sharing!

[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 4 points 23 hours ago

I don't understand why someone would downvote you or why this opinion would cause an impact of any kind? People say all sorts of crazy things online. Was she particularly rude, trollish or baitey?

[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 1 points 23 hours ago

I think your experience sounds like the benign fasciculation another lemming described. Look for the video link among the comments

[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 3 points 1 day ago

Beautiful bird but note the feather in question has marks of barring, which this bird doesn't show. Jays jave barred feathers though

[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 14 points 1 day ago

I'm missing out on this particular bit of Lemmy Lore, did something happen?

[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 1 points 1 day ago

That's so interesting, thanks for sharing the link. But in my case, nothing moves. After reading some replies and googling more I'm more inclined to think it's just the capillaries and small arteries delivering blood to the skin with different amounts of delay.

[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 1 points 1 day ago

Fair enough, this could be it

[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 1 points 1 day ago

Yeah, nothing moves, it feels like a pulsation on my skin but nothing is moving. Neither my skin nor my muscles move. I'm trying to understand what causes this sensation. What is point with that quote?

[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 5 points 2 days ago

Why is this question considered medical advice? Also, considering most common facts are parroted correctly out of LLMs, why is it wrong to search for answers there first?

[-] Mothra@mander.xyz 4 points 2 days ago

I never said my skin moved either my dude. It's a sensation, not a movement

submitted 2 days ago by Mothra@mander.xyz to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

As the title says. I go for a 20 minute walk and when I stop moving, I'm not feeling tired or even agitated at all, yet my legs feel like they're pulsating in different areas, always near the skin. It's not synchronised with my heartbeat. It stops after a few minutes.

Chat GPT says these are just muscle twitches caused by dehydration or lack of electrolytes. I'm not convinced. Why does it feel almost on the skin and not deeper in the muscles? Why do I feel it after a 20 minute walk that doesn't make me sweat but I don't feel it after a 40 minute leg focused workout???? Wouldn't that be more strenuous on the legs?? Does this thing even have a name?


submitted 1 week ago by Mothra@mander.xyz to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

For example, buildings and houses more than a hundred years old keep getting more and more rare, and often have an aesthetic that stands out, more ornate or with a particular style that most people can't afford today or that is not financially convenient etc. But back in the day, that's how things were built and most people didn't put much thought into it.

Another example, illustrations for advertisements ( either billboards or magazines). Up until the 60s (declining from the 70s onwards) a lot of ads had hand drawn illustrations, which required a lot of skill and talent to make. Yet people took them for granted, it was the standard quality of illustration for ads.

So the question is, are we currently mass producing something that will be seen in a similar light in a couple of generations? Thoughts?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Mothra@mander.xyz to c/palaeontology@mander.xyz

Every now and then I see a vintage car in the street, originally from the 40s or 60s, in spotless condition. Cars have been around for longer than computers.... But would such a thing be viable for electronics?

Wait, does it exist already and I never heard of it?

This... Really feels like a very stupid question. Sorry

submitted 5 months ago by Mothra@mander.xyz to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm starting to notice my hair is thinning a bit. Nothing drastic. Just natural aging. No, nothing unusual came up when I got my blood tests, my doctor didn't find anything wrong with me.

I'm just asking to see if any of you had good luck with any products. I know grafting is an option, and I also know that there are hair clinics which are very expensive etc. but I'm after an "at home" method.

Is there a product you would recommend?

submitted 5 months ago by Mothra@mander.xyz to c/world@lemmy.world

I've had this CD for ages. Decades. It would always skip at a certain parts on two of its tracks. I've never in my life heard the full CD because of this reason, always having to skip forward to the next track.

I've listened to it on at least four different devices, among them a very large Sony home stereo system. I've always thought the CD was faulty.

But today, I ripped the CD on a cheap old laptop and guess what. For the first time in my life I heard the whole uninterrupted tracks. What is this sorcery? Can someone explain?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Mothra@mander.xyz to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Obviously a hypothetical scenario. There is no way to pass on the knowledge to anyone else. Time freezes for you only, and once you have your answer you are out of this world.

The question can allow you to see into the past, present and future and gain comprehension of any topic/issue. But it's only one question.

Edit: the point isn't "how to cheat death". You can't. Your body is frozen and there is nothing you can do with this knowledge other than knowing it, and die. So if you would rather be frozen in a limbo just thinking of numbers for eternity, be my guest.

Such a variety of replies, it's been really interesting to read them!

What would you want to know? Personally I'd want to see a timelapse or milestone glimpses of humanity's future until the end of Earth's existence (if we survive that long)


I'm not experienced with horses. I know many are trained to work for just about anyone. They were used in wars and police still use horses this day and age for crowd control, so I guess they can stomach a bit of violence and chaos. But most domestic animals behave differently with people they're familiar with vs random strangers, so I presume horses would follow suit?

My question is inspired by countless movie/videogame scenarios in which there are a bunch of random horses tied, and a character just picks any, hops on and rides away.

Or, there's a fight, horse owner gets killed and the thief rides away on the horse.

Regarding horse behaviour only, are these realistic scenarios?

How likely is that a horse would resist being mounted by a random?

Wouldn't they be scared or angry if their previous rider just got killed right there?

Is it possible for an experienced person to tell at a glance how obedient a horse is? (How?)

These are my sudden horse questions. TIA

submitted 6 months ago by Mothra@mander.xyz to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm wondering if you know about any creators making analysis or historical commentary on film.

The only one I know is Every Frame a Painting, can you recommend others in a similar vein?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Mothra@mander.xyz to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I'm not too tech savvy so I appreciate responses in layman's terms.

I have a rough concept of how NewPipe works, (correct me if I'm wrong though!) basically it's a scrapper so it somehow reads the information in YouTube, anonymously, and filters the ads for you.

What I'm interested in knowing is, how does this behaviour look like from YouTube's perspective. Can the platform "tell" that someone is accessing their content but not the ads that should go before and inbetween the videos? Do these views requested by NewPipe count towards the global amount of views a video has? Do content creators still get money from youtube ads with NewPipe views? Do they also get to see engagement data from views (such as which parts are skipped)? Etc etc.

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