[-] Mint@lemmy.one 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I wouldn't say those are goth wristbands - they look more punk to me.

The spiked leather wristbands and the safety pin tattoo on the person's hand are definitely punk style elements, not typical goth fashion.

Goth style tends to have a more frilly, dark Victorian-inspired look, whereas punk fashion typically prioritizes elements like studs, spikes, safety pins, and a generally scrappier aesthetic.

However, the punk ethos isn't always solely about the visual style - many punk bands and fans focus more on the politics and music rather than emphasizing a specific punk look, for example band "Dead Kennedys" often wore plain t-shirts and pants. I mean I guess the same can be said about goths, though.

[-] Mint@lemmy.one 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I wouldn't say those are goth wristbands - they look more punk to me.

The spiked leather wristbands and the safety pin tattoo on the person's hand are definitely punk style elements, not typical goth fashion.

Goth style tends to have a more frilly, dark Victorian-inspired look, whereas punk fashion typically prioritizes elements like studs, spikes, safety pins, and a generally scrappier aesthetic.

However, the punk ethos isn't always solely about the visual style - many punk bands and fans focus more on the politics and music rather than emphasizing a specific punk look, for example band "Dead Kennedys" often wore plain t-shirts and pants. I mean I guess the same can be said about goths, though.

[-] Mint@lemmy.one 38 points 3 months ago

You have a bar: Nazi comes into your bar, you let him stay, because why not its just a single nazi. Nazi invites friends, those friends invite their friends, and so on. Now you a have nazi bar.

[-] Mint@lemmy.one 27 points 4 months ago

Yes, I don't know about masc HRT specifically, but estrogen comes in many different forms - needles,gel and pills

[-] Mint@lemmy.one 29 points 5 months ago

A piece of shit who's right-wing grifter

[-] Mint@lemmy.one 42 points 5 months ago

Also that word in bunch of languages still means black person

[-] Mint@lemmy.one 31 points 8 months ago

7zip superiority

[-] Mint@lemmy.one 34 points 8 months ago

Get sauced bich

submitted 8 months ago by Mint@lemmy.one to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Ai Generated Image of CCTV footage of Chibi Hatsune Miku with a huge head walking up some stairs in a convience store

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Mint@lemmy.one to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Ai Generated Image of Shrek with his hands on his hip, behind him is a church in the dark lit by a purple sky, below Shrek is a text box that says "IT'S AlL OGRRE NOw". The image looks like late 80s/90s adventure game pixel art

[-] Mint@lemmy.one 22 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

None for the text, Dall'e 3 for the most part tends to nail text, and I would say most of the time, it get text right that you specifically ask for.

So say if you ask for Pepsi most of the time the text will eligible with maybe some oddities at worst, but if you ask for something general like "Magazine cover" and not specify the text that should be on there, it will likely be unlegible.

Though in the case of Pepsi because it is a brand with ton of photos I assume its easier for it to nail, where as say if I asked for a sign with "x" text it out of the four images one or two will be legible, and the more text you will put the more likely for it to be nonsensical.

submitted 9 months ago by Mint@lemmy.one to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Ai Generated image of a parking lot with a KFC that is mid-explosion and a chicken being launched by said explosion, image captured by what looks like a CCTV

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Mint@lemmy.one to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone

AI Generated Image of a Skeleton Biting a double cheese burger with two packs of fries and a can of open diet pepsi-coke on the table with some napkins scattered around the table painted in a Post-Impresionist style

[-] Mint@lemmy.one 19 points 9 months ago

This is a circlejerk community, the title is a very obvious joke

submitted 1 year ago by Mint@lemmy.one to c/autism@lemmy.world

Since lemmy doesn't seem to have polling upvote corresponding comments

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