CISA Adds Three Known Exploited Vulnerabilities to Catalog


The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) warns it suffered a cyberattack, which disrupted its IT systems and online operations, including email and the Logbook of the World.


Researchers have uncovered a critical vulnerability in VMware's Bluetooth device, allowing code execution by malicious actors.

Agreed (midwest.social)

​Microsoft has fixed a zero-day vulnerability exploited in attacks to deliver QakBot and other malware payloads on vulnerable Windows systems.


A Korean cybersecurity expert has been sentenced to prison for illegally accessing and distributing private videos from vulnerable "wallpad" cameras in 400,000 private households.

Yeah fuck that Lady (midwest.social)

Your right. It's more like centuries.

You know I bet that if I replaced the word Islam with Christianity this post would have more upvotes.

It's not that they are ok with Trump. They are just unhappy with both candidates. With that being said I do plan on voting for the Biden because while I don't agree with him on everything I know that he won't turn the country into a fascist dictatorship like Trump. The fact that this asshole is still legally allowed to run is insane.

Here is an Odysee Link for those that don't want to give youtube support.

You know there is a fork on Android called Aliucord. It allows you to install pluggins like better discord.

I don't blame you man. That guy is a fucking joke.

Holy Shit. It actually worked. Thanks.

That would be pretty weird if if I did that. But in case anyone is curious, It was a few minutes after I had just gotten home from college and went inside the house and then went over to my dad to say hi before going to my room. He immediately asked me why I had my backpack on and I told him that I had just gotten back from college. It was at that moment he told me that wearing a backpack while talking to someone was weird. My Mom later walked in and asked what we were yelling about and she then started laughing because of how stupid the conversation was. I was standing the entire time we were arguing.

[-] Lanky_Pomegranate530@midwest.social 98 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I just came back home and went to go say hi to my dad

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