[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 53 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The election will pan out how it'll pan out. I'm voting for Biden so I can give my friends the best chance we can get them.

I am not just voting, though, and you shouldn't stop at voting either.

Start working towards unionizing your workplace if you can. Join the IWW for training and networking (literally any worker can join).

Join and support any kind of solidarity network in your town you can (tenant unions, volunteer security details, food distributors, etc.) Hell, start one with your friends if there isn't one.

Participate in protests and public shows of solidarity. Don't back down.

Help the homeless. They've completely lost their voices and are constantly under attack by NIMBYs and cops, and it's likely that many people you know right now will be in their position in the future, especially if Trump's Elected.

Right now, 'the revolution' would never come. US citizens are atomized and divided, by highways, suburban sprawl, parking lots, hostile architecture, and the constant crushing weight of capitalist responsibilities. We've got to rebuilt the networks of solidarity we had during the union wars. That's the best way forward to a better US. Unionize, uplift your fellow workers, and keep pushing against the oppressors.

[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 41 points 1 month ago

The true tossup is actually mercury or lead.

Both insanely useful metals with a massive variety of helpful traits.

And the universe made them poisonous to us as a big "FUCK YOU".

[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 49 points 3 months ago

For those who don't know, Wendigoon is a creepy lore youtuber.

He's also sometimes been acredited with creating the aesthetic of the boogaloo boys, not sure how true that is.

As far as I've heard, his videos are fairly consistent with documentation of the events he covers, such as the unibomber, the MLK assassination, etc.

It's very funny to think he wasn't radicalized before the printer situation.

[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 39 points 3 months ago

It's super bizarre seeing this girl grow up exclusively by photos of her being arrested.

[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 45 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

California does have the tallests mountain in the contiguous US. It sure as fuck isn't Mount Shasta.

Mount Whitney stands 14.5k feet tall, and it's way more fucking badass in Appearance.

Many of Colorado's mountain summits also stand taller than Shasta, and are multitudes more majestic in appearance.

As for iconic, the Appalachian mountains may not be known by individual name, they are the boy band of mountains in terms of fame in the US. Mount Washington is also extremely iconic. I hadn't even heard of Shasta till this post. St. Helens is also extremely well-known.

For those wondering, Denali is the tallest mountain in the US, as well as the tallest mountain on land in the world.

EDIT: so for clarification - Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world, at close to 9k meters. When you measure it base-to-peak, however, Denali measures out at 5,486 meters, while Everest is only 5,200 meters.

Something notable is that though Denali is stated as the tallest mountain on land, it seems Rakaposhi in Pakistan has a base-to-peak measure of 6,000 meters. It also is the only mountain whose peak descends to base without interruption apparently.

EDIT 2:got my numbers mixed up, fixed some info.

[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 45 points 4 months ago

"Hey, there's an issue with our software deployment, can you rawdog me?" Was not on my bingo board

[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 53 points 4 months ago

Sounds like the run-of-the-mill child labour you see across the US (I consistently did this for my dad till probably about 17).

Not to forget the other type, which is migrant children working in factories illegally.

[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 43 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

So it's not coming from US tax payers, this is saying? It comes from Japanese taxpayers, German taxpayers, South Korean tax payers, etc. on top of US tax payers.

That really does not change the situation. It still is a massive amount of money out of US pockets, and the rest is out of US allies' citizen pockets. It also doesn't change the failing to pass audits. It also doesn't change their massive collection of known BS actions done in the past.

[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 47 points 8 months ago

Hasn't evolutionary psychology been heavily debunked at this point?

I think it's much easier to say that dudes have it hammered into their heads that girls are bad at games, so when they underperform and a girl is on their team, they feel emasculated. This isn't too far off from when dudes end up losing their 'bread winner' status in their relationship. They were told they had explicit traits to exhibit and they failed to do so, so it hits them in their self esteem. Classic fragile masculinity.

Patriarchal conditioning makes way more sense than "caveman brain HATE competing with woman!".

[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 50 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Alright, gonna be a skeptic.

We're seeing an Israeli news source followed by an IDF statement with IDF evidence, so a conflict of interest does exist with these sources, though that doesn't mean either is lying. That being said, if Israel did deliberately target a hospital in Gaza with as many eyes on Gaza as there are, that'd be a really fucking stupid move. At the same time, If they did, lying and completely fabricating everything is in their highest interest. At minimum, though, I think that any trustworthiness one would associate with journalists or military Intel be thrown out, and the evidence be viewed with skepticism

There is also some oppositely damning evidence in circulation. GeoConfirmed apparently did their own locating of where the video occurred, and - if accurate - from the videos perspective, the missile was moving northwest, from the direction of Israel. They are also A third party in this, though, so their bias is not immediately determinable from this one tweet, nor can the factuality be easily confirmed.

We're still in the fog of war, and simultaneously a war for our minds and support is being waged. I am going to wait for more information from more parties to arrive.

EDIT: I previously stated the tweet I linked claimed the missile was moving north east, which it doesn't - that's my misphrasing. The tweet I linked specifically repeats the falling shrapnel story - though the evidence they show shows the camera looking southeast, with the missile coming from said direction towards the camera. I've rewritten it to be more clear.

[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 58 points 9 months ago

I've been running a galaxy S9 for years and have never run into a bottleneck with it.

Why do y'all keep needing more and more power packed into your phones? It doesn't make any sense to me.

[-] JayDee@lemmy.ml 41 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

As I understand it, reddit has shattered its trust with its userbase and has hemmoraged users because of it. I can hardly view that as a 'win' for them.

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