
joined 10 months ago


Cooperative influence on price movements, or market manipulation, often occurs through planned attacks. These attacks can include coordinated buying or selling of assets, spreading false information, or creating artificial trends. The goal of such actions is to influence the market in the desired direction, benefiting those behind the manipulations.


  1. Pump and Dump: One common example is the "pump and dump" scheme, where a group of investors coordinately inflates the price of an asset (pump) to attract other investors, and then sells off the assets at the inflated price (dump), leaving other participants with losses.

  2. Spreading False Information: Spreading false news or rumors is also an effective manipulation practice. This can include fake earnings reports, false statements about regulatory changes, or other disinformation campaigns.

  3. Coordinated Trading: Groups of traders can coordinate to trade large volumes of stocks or other assets to create the impression of high demand or supply, which in turn attracts other market participants and shifts the price in the desired direction.


Cooperative influence on price movements through planned attacks is a serious issue for financial markets. Such manipulations can lead to significant losses for retail investors and undermine trust in the market. Regulatory authorities actively combat these practices by implementing new technologies for market monitoring and investigating suspicious activities.

To protect against such attacks, investors are advised to use reliable sources of information, conduct their own analysis, and be cautious of sudden and unexplained market changes.


#FinancialAnalysis #MarketManipulation #CooperativeAttacks #Investing #SecuritiesMarket #PumpAndDump!$FddD3aeHE69YqdcqgLoTeXTfsvy60p8h3ukJ5FWvj6w?


Київський суд відправив пропагандиста Жана Новосельцева в СІЗО на 60 днів без права внесення застави

Шевченківський районний суд Києва обрав запобіжний захід для російського пропагандиста Жана Новосельцева. Як повідомляє СБУ, його відправили під варту на 60 діб без права внесення застави. Новосельцев був затриманий під час спроби виїхати за кордон.

Новосельцева звинувачують у поширенні антиукраїнської пропаганди та підтримці російської агресії проти України. Згідно з матеріалами справи, він активно брав участь у пропагандистських кампаніях, спрямованих на дискредитацію української влади та Збройних сил України.

Правоохоронці заявляють, що Новосельцев використовував свої медіа-ресурси для поширення фейкових новин і дезінформації про події в Україні, зокрема, в зоні бойових дій. Йому також інкримінують заклики до підтримки терористичних організацій, які діють на території України.

Під час обшуків у помешканні Новосельцева були знайдені матеріали, які підтверджують його протиправну діяльність. За словами представників СБУ, слідство має достатньо доказів для притягнення його до відповідальності за злочини проти державної безпеки України.

Новосельцеву загрожує тривале позбавлення волі. Слідство триває, і йому може бути пред'явлено додаткові звинувачення.

Це черговий крок у боротьбі з російською пропагандою, яка намагається дестабілізувати ситуацію в Україні та підірвати довіру до українських державних інститутів.


Purism, a company known for its emphasis on privacy, security, and open-source software, offers a line of smartphones under the brand name Librem. These phones are designed to give users control over their data and privacy. Here are some key details about Purism's Librem phones:

1. Librem 5

The Librem 5 is Purism's flagship smartphone, designed with privacy and security as its primary focus.

Key Features:

  • Privacy and Security: Hardware kill switches for the microphone, camera, WiFi/Bluetooth, and baseband.
  • Operating System: Runs on PureOS, a fully free, open-source, and privacy-focused Linux-based operating system.
  • Modular Hardware: The phone is designed with replaceable modules for easier repair and upgrade.
  • Screen: 5.7-inch IPS TFT screen with a 1440x720 resolution.
  • Processor: NXP i.MX8M Quad core Cortex A53, with a separate GPU for graphics processing.
  • Memory: 3 GB of RAM.
  • Storage: 32 GB eMMC internal storage, expandable via microSD.

2. Librem 5 USA

The Librem 5 USA is a variant of the Librem 5 that emphasizes American manufacturing to ensure supply chain security.

Key Features:

  • Made in USA: Assembled in the United States to maintain higher security standards.
  • Same Specifications as Librem 5: Retains the same hardware and software features as the Librem 5.
  • Enhanced Security: Additional assurance of secure manufacturing processes.

Privacy and Security

Both the Librem 5 and Librem 5 USA are built with privacy as a core principle. The hardware kill switches are unique features that physically disconnect components to prevent eavesdropping or tracking. The PureOS operating system is designed to be free from proprietary software, ensuring that users have full control over their device and data.

Customization and Support

Purism offers options for customization and supports its devices with regular software updates, community-driven development, and transparent policies. The company's focus on open-source principles allows users to modify and inspect the software running on their phones.

For more detailed information, you can visit Purism's official website and the Librem 5 product page.


Edward Snowden is a name that has become synonymous with the word "whistleblower." In 2013, his actions sparked a worldwide debate, splitting public opinion into two camps. Some see him as a hero, while others view him as a traitor. For Americans, understanding the complexities of Snowden's actions and their impact on privacy, security, and democracy is essential.

The Whistleblower's Revelation

Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), leaked classified documents revealing the extent of government surveillance on citizens both domestically and internationally. These documents exposed programs like PRISM, which allowed the NSA to collect data from major tech companies, and the bulk collection of phone metadata, which tracked call details of millions of Americans.

Snowden's motivation, as he stated, was to inform the public about the government's overreach and to ignite a discussion about privacy and individual freedoms. He believed that the American public had the right to know about the extent to which their personal information was being collected and monitored without their consent.

Heroism and Public Service

Many Americans view Snowden as a hero who took a significant personal risk to expose government overreach. He sparked a necessary debate about privacy, civil liberties, and government transparency. His actions led to significant legal and policy changes, including the USA Freedom Act, which ended the bulk collection of phone metadata by the NSA.

Snowden's supporters argue that his revelations have empowered citizens and strengthened democratic oversight. They see him as a modern-day patriot who upheld the principles of the Constitution by ensuring that government power is checked and balanced. For these Americans, Snowden's actions represent a courageous stand against the erosion of individual freedoms.

Betrayal and National Security

Conversely, many view Snowden as a traitor who compromised national security. The release of classified documents, they argue, has put intelligence operations and personnel at risk. Government officials have stated that Snowden's leaks have provided valuable information to adversaries, potentially endangering lives and national security interests.

Critics argue that Snowden should have pursued legal and official channels to address his concerns rather than leaking classified information to the public. They contend that his actions were reckless and irresponsible, undermining trust in government institutions and damaging international relations.

The Ongoing Debate

The debate over Edward Snowden's actions continues to be a contentious issue in the United States. It raises critical questions about the balance between security and privacy, the role of government oversight, and the ethical responsibilities of whistleblowers. Snowden's case has prompted a broader examination of the surveillance state and the mechanisms in place to protect civil liberties.


Edward Snowden's legacy is complex and multifaceted. For some, he is a hero who exposed the government's overreach and championed individual freedoms. For others, he is a traitor who endangered national security and violated his oath of secrecy. Regardless of where one stands on the issue, Snowden's actions have undeniably changed the conversation about privacy, security, and government transparency in America. His story serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle to balance these vital, yet sometimes conflicting, values in a democratic society.!$lGNf229i4y6mAF5G51ygsBemA9g3BW8HJ-mbcSQLkaM?

Here are some hashtags that can be used for an essay about Edward Snowden:

  1. #EdwardSnowden
  2. #Whistleblower
  3. #NSA
  4. #PrivacyRights
  5. #GovernmentSurveillance
  6. #CivilLiberties
  7. #NationalSecurity
  8. #DataPrivacy
  9. #USAFreedomAct
  10. #Transparency
  11. #PatriotOrTraitor
  12. #SnowdenDebate
  13. #Whistleblowing
  14. #SurveillanceState
  15. #DigitalPrivacy
  16. #ConstitutionalRights
  17. #CyberSecurity
  18. #PublicAwareness
  19. #FreedomOfInformation
  20. #CitizenRights
  21. #TechAndPrivacy
  22. #SecurityVsPrivacy
  23. #Democracy


The opinions expressed in this essay about Edward Snowden are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of any organization or individual. The content is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The complexities surrounding Snowden's actions, including the impact on national security, privacy, and civil liberties, are subject to ongoing debate and interpretation. Readers are encouraged to seek out a variety of perspectives and sources to form their own informed opinions. The author and publisher are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information provided in this essay.

(22) Edward Snowden: Hero or Traitor?


Sure, here’s a comprehensive summary of our discussion on the butterfly effect and its impact on cryptocurrency markets, in English:

Concept Origin: The butterfly effect, originating from chaos theory, illustrates how small initial changes can lead to significant, unpredictable outcomes. This concept was first popularized by Ray Bradbury in his short story "A Sound of Thunder," where a minor change in the past leads to dramatic differences in the future.

Scientific Basis: The scientific exploration of the butterfly effect was further developed by Edward Lorenz, who discovered that small changes in initial conditions in atmospheric systems could lead to vastly different outcomes. His work laid the foundation for chaos theory, demonstrating the sensitivity of dynamic systems to initial conditions.

Application to Financial Markets: In the context of financial markets, particularly cryptocurrencies, the butterfly effect shows how minor events can cause significant market fluctuations. Examples include:

  1. Influential Tweets:

    • Tweets from influential figures, such as Elon Musk, can cause sudden and dramatic price changes in cryptocurrencies, showcasing the market's sensitivity to small external inputs.
  2. Unexpected Vulnerabilities:

    • Discoveries of hidden vulnerabilities in blockchain technology can lead to substantial security breaches or shifts in investor confidence, significantly impacting the value of cryptocurrencies.
  3. Market Manipulations:

    • Practices like "pump and dump" schemes can temporarily inflate cryptocurrency prices before a sell-off, creating large market movements from seemingly minor actions.

Scientific Explanation: To scientifically describe the butterfly effect, we can use mathematical models like the Lorenz system, which consists of three nonlinear differential equations. These models show how small differences in initial conditions can lead to divergent outcomes over time, quantified by Lyapunov exponents that measure the rate of separation of infinitesimally close trajectories. A positive Lyapunov exponent indicates chaotic behavior, highlighting the system's sensitivity to initial conditions.

Implications for Crypto Markets:

  1. Investor Behavior:

    • Understanding the butterfly effect helps investors recognize the potential for small events to have major impacts on market trends, encouraging more cautious and informed investment strategies.
  2. Market Predictions:

    • The inherent unpredictability introduced by the butterfly effect makes precise market predictions challenging, emphasizing the need for adaptive and flexible trading approaches.
  3. Regulatory Considerations:

    • Regulators need to account for the butterfly effect when designing policies to stabilize crypto markets. Recognizing the potential for small regulatory changes to have large impacts can lead to more effective and nuanced regulations.

Real-World Relevance

Bitcoin and Blockchain: Bitcoin started as a small idea of decentralized digital currency and has evolved into a global phenomenon, changing perceptions of money and financial systems. Similarly, Ethereum introduced smart contracts, enabling the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) and transforming digital asset interactions.

DeFi (Decentralized Finance): What began as an idea for financial services without intermediaries has grown into an ecosystem worth billions of dollars, offering alternatives to traditional banks and financial institutions.


The butterfly effect underscores the complex and sensitive nature of cryptocurrency markets. By acknowledging and studying this phenomenon, participants can better navigate the volatility and uncertainties inherent in the crypto world. This concept highlights the importance of minor factors in shaping major trends, making it crucial for investors, developers, and regulators to stay vigilant and adaptive in this rapidly evolving space.

Relevant Quote: "No one can stop an idea whose time has come."

For Broader Dissemination

This summary encapsulates the key points of our discussion, emphasizing the relevance of the butterfly effect in cryptocurrencies. Feel free to share and distribute this information to help others understand the intricate dynamics of crypto markets.

#ButterflyEffect #Cryptocurrencies #ChaosTheory #Blockchain #CryptoMarket #MarketVolatility #InvestmentStrategies #CryptoSecurity #Regulation

This comprehensive summary provides a thorough overview of our discussion, making it suitable for sharing on various platforms to reach a wider audience.!$GxesPV-0RrZLCeQfRBhvHWjEvKaDKgOApHvVGDyUE4M?


Here’s a concise annotation for Mastodon in English:

Exploring the Butterfly Effect in Cryptocurrencies

The butterfly effect, originating from chaos theory, illustrates how small initial changes can lead to significant, unpredictable outcomes. In cryptocurrencies, this phenomenon is evident when minor events or actions cause large market shifts. Examples include sudden price surges due to influential tweets or unexpected vulnerabilities in blockchain code. Understanding the butterfly effect helps us grasp the complex, sensitive nature of crypto markets and the importance of minor factors in shaping major trends.

#ButterflyEffect #Cryptocurrencies #ChaosTheory #Blockchain #CryptoMarket

Here's an expanded version for Lemmy:

Exploring the Butterfly Effect in Cryptocurrencies

The butterfly effect, a concept from chaos theory, demonstrates how minor changes in initial conditions can lead to significant and unpredictable outcomes. This phenomenon is particularly relevant in the world of cryptocurrencies, where seemingly small events can cause substantial market shifts. Here are some examples and insights into how the butterfly effect manifests in crypto markets:

Key Examples

  1. Influential Tweets: Tweets from influential figures like Elon Musk have been known to cause sudden and dramatic price surges or drops in cryptocurrencies. A single tweet can spark a buying frenzy or a selling panic, demonstrating the sensitive nature of the market.

  2. Unexpected Vulnerabilities: Hidden vulnerabilities in blockchain code can be discovered by researchers or exploited by hackers, leading to significant security breaches or changes in the perception of a cryptocurrency's reliability.

  3. Market Manipulations: Practices like "pump and dump," where groups artificially inflate the price of a cryptocurrency before selling off their holdings, can cause temporary but large market movements. These actions can lead to widespread market volatility and affect investor confidence.

Scientific Explanation

The butterfly effect can be scientifically explained and demonstrated through models like the Lorenz system, which shows how small differences in initial conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes over time. This is often measured using Lyapunov exponents, which quantify the rate at which trajectories in a dynamical system diverge. A positive Lyapunov exponent indicates chaos, highlighting the system's sensitivity to initial conditions.

Implications for Crypto Markets

  1. Investor Behavior: Understanding the butterfly effect can help investors recognize the potential for minor events to have major impacts on market trends, encouraging more cautious and informed investment strategies.

  2. Market Predictions: The inherent unpredictability introduced by the butterfly effect makes precise market predictions challenging, emphasizing the importance of adaptive and flexible trading approaches.

  3. Regulatory Considerations: Regulators need to account for the butterfly effect when designing policies to stabilize crypto markets. Recognizing the potential for small regulatory changes to have large impacts can lead to more effective and nuanced regulations.


The butterfly effect underscores the complex and sensitive nature of cryptocurrency markets. By acknowledging and studying this phenomenon, participants can better navigate the volatility and uncertainties inherent in the crypto world.

#ButterflyEffect #Cryptocurrencies #ChaosTheory #Blockchain #CryptoMarket #MarketVolatility #InvestmentStrategies #CryptoSecurity #Regulation

This version provides a detailed exploration of the butterfly effect in cryptocurrencies, making it suitable for a platform like Lemmy where users may appreciate a more in-depth discussion.

InterNews112: "Here’s a concise annotation fo…" - Vivaldi Social


It's an interesting observation about the similarity between the scene from the TV series "Area of Darkness" and a real-life event. Indeed, sometimes it seems that the most interesting storylines are running out of steam, but this only goes to show how much art and reality can intertwine.

When it comes to politics and political science, fresh ideas really matter. Politics, like art, is constantly changing under the influence of new circumstances and challenges. Sometimes you may notice that certain political strategies or ideas are repeated, but this does not mean that new ideas do not emerge. There are just a limited number of basic human experiences and conflicts that are reflected again and again in different contexts.

As for interesting observations, I have noticed that often real-life events can look like they are taken directly from movie scripts. This emphasizes the fact that life can sometimes be just as dramatic and unpredictable as movies or TV shows. From mass movements to international conflicts, reality often offers plots that could form the basis for exciting stories.

For example, the technologies we see in science fiction movies often inspire real-life scientists and developers to create new inventions. Similarly, political thrillers can inspire real-life politicians to develop strategies or, conversely, warn of possible risks.

Thus, the line between the fictional and the real world is often very thin, and this makes our lives even more interesting and unpredictable.!$4MqHTEe0AMNp-Hh4vjAnQpyiSjtevcxetTDiuvm0XPc?


Видео: Как спецслужбы управляют массовым сознанием

Канал: Первый отдел

Описание видео:

Видео исследует методы и стратегии, которые используют спецслужбы для влияния на общественное мнение и массовое сознание. Включает анализ исторических примеров, современных технологий и психологических техник, применяемых для манипуляции информацией и создания нужных нарративов.

Основные темы:

  1. Исторический контекст: Как спецслужбы использовали пропаганду и дезинформацию в прошлом.
  2. Современные методы: Использование социальных сетей, ботов и алгоритмов для распространения определённых сообщений.
  3. Психологические техники: Как влиять на эмоции и убеждения людей.
  4. Контроль медиа: Сотрудничество с медиа для формирования общественного мнения.
  5. Противодействие манипуляциям: Как распознавать и защищаться от манипуляций сознанием.

Экспертное мнение:

Эксперты в области информационной безопасности и психологии объясняют, насколько важно понимать механизмы манипуляции сознанием, чтобы противостоять внешнему влиянию. Они подчёркивают важность медиа-грамотности и критического мышления в современном информационном пространстве.


  • #Спецслужбы
  • #МассовоеСознание
  • #Манипуляция
  • #ИнформационнаяБезопасность
  • #Пропаганда
  • #ПсихологическиеТехники
  • #МедиаГрамотность

📹 720p


(1) Oles Filonenko 🤷🏼‍♂️ on X: "Когда тебя дома не покормили" / X

Вспомнил видео снятое финами на даче где Путин играет в теннис и жрет за столом с Анатолием Собчак. Очень много схожего. Так что вполне вероятно это и есть настоящий Путин, но только где страх и осторожность отравления при таком огромном количестве людей вокруг? 🤔


В Вологде убита любительница чудесных «восточных сказок» и преподаватель ВоГУ Таисия Тулина.

Старший преподаватель кафедры всеобщей истории и социально-экономических дисциплин ВоГУ Таисия Тулина (36 лет), была обнаружена в квартире со своим сожителем, уроженцем Таджикистана и выпускником её ВУЗа Орифом Менглибоевым 28 лет). Он также был ранен и госпитализирован, т.к. его жертва пыталась оказать сопротивление.


Tomas Berezovskiy on X: "KARBO Project KdTRJpDnV1hjWFyqnar4jJZeGPLFFfGoo5UfRjef4yX75NsTvYJUpmo7cVozjpHcFf37Dn2L6uMwPDtYeWAvnLXiQwa4Tpc Украинский биткоин. Что представляет из себя отечественная криптовалюта / NV" / X

Ukrainian Bitcoin. What is domestic cryptocurrency? biz.nv.ua5 min View Original Already today, cryptocurrencies make up almost 1% of the entire global money supply, which is a little less than $300 billion – and this figure is growing every day. This spring, the Ukrainian cryptocurrency Karbo was in the spotlight of famous American crypto resources. Having appeared just two years ago, Karbo entered the world ranking of the TOP 10 cryptocurrencies with increased anonymity by capitalization.

The majority of cryptographers and crypto traders surveyed by NV believe that Karbo has a high chance of gaining a foothold in the global market for anonymous transfers, since technically today it is not inferior to industry leaders - Monero, Dash and Zcash. According to bolder assumptions, in the future Karbo could become the national cryptocurrency of Ukraine. The absence of a premine (part of the emission that the developer keeps for himself) and the latest initiatives of advanced states to legalize certain cryptocurrencies as legal means of payment on their territory confirm these assessments.

NV figured out how things really stand with the domestic cryptocurrency Karbo.

What is Karbo and where did it come from? The Ukrainian cryptocurrency Karbo was created by a group of Ukrainian programmers and mathematicians, about which almost nothing is known, due to their desire to remain anonymous. The coin appeared directly on the market in May 2016. In professional terms, Karbo is a decentralized peer-to-peer peer-to-peer network that operates on the CryptoNote protocol and provides confidentiality and anonymity without intermediaries and regulators. Until recently, it remained an internal tool of enthusiasts on cryptocurrency exchanges, but this winter, American specialized analysts found it on the list of coins for which the US National Security Agency cannot yet track transactions , which is why it requires additional funding to continue work on cracking the code .

Thus, the United States noted one of the highest indicators of anonymity and security of Ukrainian cryptocurrency - its owners cannot be tracked in principle.

What is the point of investing in Karbo? In two years, the cost of Karbo has increased 86 times – from 0.058 to 0.5 cents, which is already a good reason to buy this particular cryptocurrency. Its main advantage is a unique computer algorithm, which during the transfer process creates dozens of one-time wallets, into which parts of a randomly divided payment are received, and only then the algorithm sends their amount to the recipient. All coins are standardized and do not have any identifying symbols.

By comparison, with Bitcoin, each transaction is stored in clear form on the blockchain, which makes it relatively easy to find out the balance, transaction history and sources of replenishment of your wallet. In Karbo, it is simply impossible to find such information even about very large transactions. Thirdly, the algorithm specifies the maximum number of coins - 10 million (currently 5.7 million have already been issued), after the release of which the issue volume will grow by only 1% per year.

How safe is it to use Karbo? According to technical characteristics, due to increased anonymity, Karbo belongs to the Bitcoin 2.0 family of cryptocurrencies. There are not many such cryptocurrencies; their main feature is complex encryption, to which no intelligence agency can find the key. Ukrainian regulation in the field of cryptocurrencies is very far from ideal, but neither the American nor the Ukrainian police will ever collect evidence of transactions with currencies operating on the CryptoNote protocol, including Karbo.

From a technical point of view, Karbo provides users with a completely anonymous payment scheme. It is implemented using ring signature technology, when the operation is confirmed not by each specific miner, but by a group of unrelated individuals. Such a signature only indicates that the transaction was carried out by someone from the group, but all participants in it are indistinguishable from each other. At the same time, Karbo retains all the advantages of the blockchain in the form of the impossibility of making the same payment twice or conducting a transaction without the network’s acceptance.

Karbo's ring signature technology uses a modified Diffie-Hellman exchange protocol that maps unique addresses to a public key. Each transaction made makes his blockchain as a whole even more resistant to analysis. But at the same time, Karbo allows, if necessary, reporting using tracking keys, which make it possible to see incoming transactions, but not outgoing ones, and also confiscate funds. Additionally, tracking keys do not reveal the sender.

Where do they sell and buy Karbo? Buying Karbo is no more difficult than buying any other cryptocurrency. Now Karbo can be purchased in online cryptocurrency exchangers, which will take up to 10 minutes, or on cryptocurrency exchanges, which, depending on whether you buy it for Bitcoin or hryvnia, can be a little more complicated and require registration on the exchange.

Karbo is currently traded on seven exchanges:, Cryptopia, Crex24, TradeOgre,, BTC Trade UA and Kuna. On the first five, it is traded in pairs with Bitcoin, and on BTC Trade UA and Kuna - Karbo can be sold and bought for hryvnia. It is the last two exchanges that are most convenient for use by newcomers in this area - integration with accounts in Ukrainian banks allows you to buy cryptocurrency just like cinema tickets or food.

The daily trading volume for Karbo on these exchanges is $20-30 thousand, and the total capitalization of the cryptocurrency is currently close to $3 million.

Cryptocurrency traders believe that there is no need to wait for the right moment to buy, because it is already happening. Advanced countries, whose policies the rest of the world is trying to implement, have almost mastered and legalized cryptocurrency transactions. Most recently, Switzerland allowed maintaining bank accounts in cryptocurrency; before that, this option was available in the banking systems of Japan, Singapore and South Korea. Although in many countries, including Ukraine, regulations for regulating the crypto industry are still in the process of development and approval. According to forecasts, 2018 will be the year of legalization of transactions with tokens in most countries of the world, including Ukraine. Since the adoption of digital decrees in the EU and other first world countries, cryptocurrency prices will rapidly creep up.

New, honest cryptocurrencies will continue to appear with no preliminary issue for developers and low commissions, but just as Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency because it was the first, so Karbo in Ukraine has every chance of becoming a local “bitcoin” as a pioneer in this market segment.

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