[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 25 points 4 days ago

Seems like it works because I haven’t seen a post about Porsche. I just learnt about it from your comment.

[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 12 points 4 days ago

Take your clothes out of the washer immediately, untangle them if necessary, and put them in the dryer. Don’t just dump all the clothes from washer to dryer. Remove the clothes from the dryer as soon as it's done while they're still warm. Hang shirts on hangers and put away the pants. Lastly, only buy new shirts and pants that are iron-free.

[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 13 points 5 days ago

You are underestimating the amount of people who make very low payments based on their income. My SO can pay off their loan in 5-6 years based on our income, but if they didn’t have a proper job they could make minimum payments and pay off the loan in 25 years. You obviously will pay a lot in interest but people do that if they don’t earn a lot of money or make bad financial decisions.

[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 7 points 6 days ago

My keyfob battery was dead and I couldn’t use the hidden keyhole to unlock it. I watched a video on YouTube but I still wasn’t able to make it work. It wasn’t an emergency but I would just break the glass if it was one.

[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 20 points 2 months ago

In some countries it’s not easy like walking in to a store and getting a prepaid card. You need to have an ID and a local address, probably to prevent bad events which use sims cards. A travel sim could be easier but more expensive.

eSIM is much easier and can be activated using an app.

[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 33 points 3 months ago

Can’t wait to know what you are going to do with your money when you are an Attending physician! Lol.

[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 12 points 6 months ago

Same thing happened to me with monster jobs. I just blocked their emails.

[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 53 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

You will always have cases where a car is needed, it’s unavoidable. That’s because it’s designed for cars. We have huge parking lots designed for cars but nothing for public transport. Whenever I travel to NYC or Chicago, I can go anywhere in trains and buses. In my city, I can’t even get milk without driving to a store.

[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 14 points 8 months ago

Perez lapped by his teammate.

[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 13 points 10 months ago

lol. Is this an ad?

[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 17 points 10 months ago

Lol. We already started iPhone 16 predictions.

[-] IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 11 points 10 months ago

Why are they so obsessed about the Max-Perez pit stop. It wouldn’t matter, Max would pass Perez in a couple of laps anyways. He got the gap down from 10 to 2.5 sec.

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