[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 34 points 4 months ago

The GOP would never agree to the parallel because the brown ones cost more.

[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 28 points 4 months ago

Once you get to know her, she's actually quite terrible.

[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 84 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

SAP, the most forcedly convoluted and horrid amalgamation of acquired software, held together by a support team that barely know how it works, is forcing their workers to go back to the office, where they will communicate with everyone remotely.

Color me shocked.

I used to be able to email their support staff and say "I need access to XYZ" and they would respond "Who's access would you like to copy?" And I could have told them any name I would like and they would just give it to me.

At one time my boss gave me approval to do all the ordering for our department and gave me access to financial transactions. 6 months later, and a half million dollars spent, they realized I was never given the training that the access required. Guess who had 20 one hour trainings to complete in 2 weeks? Management blamed me.

[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 76 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Web MD. The website. The website designed to make visitors feel a false sense of expertise about their health so that they don't leave home to see a doctor about illness, is threatening their workers to leave their homes, to unnecessarily return to work, during a wave of life threatening and easily transmitable illness, that they will have to bring home.

[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 43 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Last year I was sick for 7 weeks with covid, RSV, the flu, and then covid again. I had to go to work while still sick with covid because I was out of sick time, even though their own policies should have prevented me from returning. I told all my coworkers to stay away from me and avoided them like I had the plague, because I essentially did. Had I actually not cared about other people's health, I could have lied and destroyed the entire department for months with recurring spreading illness.

I had to have a meeting where I was being threatened with a PIP for attendance, while I was still sick and wearing a mask, for my job at a vaccine laboratory.

[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 50 points 5 months ago

Or bleach and alcohol.

Better yet, let's just say don't mix bleach with anything but water.

[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 34 points 6 months ago

I've heard some of the more advanced bullshit detectors have pressure pads that the bullshiter sits on to measure how much actual shit they are holding back while taking a bullshit test to detect the actual bullshit, but that might be bullshit.

[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 35 points 6 months ago

So this whole thing is Pisa baloney

[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 39 points 7 months ago

Sorry guys, I'm going to rant now.

Does no one else remember that Amazon prime was established for 2 day shipping? That was the deal. Extra money for "free" 2 day shipping. Then they added prime video. What a deal! Right?!

Then the pandemic happened. "Garble garble...SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES!"

SINCE THEN HAVE YOU RECEIVED A PACKAGE IN 2 DAYS? For many people, no. Now that the pandemic is to blame, nothing has 2 day shipping. Now many things have added shipping costs. Now prime video is the only guarantee and its one of the worst values, and worst streaming experiences of all stream providers.

Fuck Amazon. I can't believe a class action lawsuit hasn't been started. I'm now lucky to get any "prime" item shipped to my door in less than a week when the 2 day shipping was the entire reason for subscription.

I'm now gladly paying the Waltons because at least somebody will shop for me and drop it off at my doorstep. Amazon, in my case, has lost a ton of business. Things I would normally order from Amazon I now order from Walmart or eBay, for less money, faster shipping, and a less likely lost package situation.

Has anyone noticed that Amazon orders that have issues are now being hidden from you? Go back and find the last order they either lost or had to be refunded. It's going to take you a bit longer because they don't show it to you in your account. You will have to find the email with the order number to search for it.

Also remember how Amazon's big pull before prime was their easy returns? Yeah well those times are gone. Getting a human on the phone is impossible without finding the right phone number online, and they now outsource all of their customer resources to giant call centers. You will be lucky to get a refund for an item you never received. After 3 hours on the phone I finally got them to refund and item that was at the time, 2 months late. That item was $34.

Amazon has pulled one of the biggest bait and switches of all time and I can't believe it's not more discussed. Garbage tier conglomerate.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee to c/imageai@sh.itjust.works

woman farting, at man on bicycle, woman says "I'm a dank dank"

[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 27 points 8 months ago

I've found on average that the younger the worker is, the more likely they are to ask if you need help finding something. Every time it's an older worker they scatter into the canals and sewer grates from fear of having to use their handheld.

[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 48 points 10 months ago

Fact: military officers sometimes use very small amounts of dihydrogen monoxide to torture prisoners to extent that the prisoners will admit to committing actions they had not committed.

[-] IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.ee 48 points 10 months ago

It's people like you that make me look like an asshole. Every morning I wake up at 3am to squeeze orange juice, make sausage gravy, biscuits, waffles, 5 omelettes, 40 pancakes, 6lbs of bacon, hash browns, buttered toast, and right after my son comes down the stairs, puts his ball cap on, grabs a single piece of bacon, heads out the door in a rush, I chase him down with a PB&J he inevitably always forgets. But it's not like I want to waste 40lbe of food per day. Some days I just want my son to sit down and eat the 40lbs of food I prepared. He may think I'm overbearing but I'm really overcaring.

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