[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 10 points 3 weeks ago

If you're going to rebuild this place with realistic infrastructure I'd love to see a before/after of this disasterpiece.

[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

atheism@lemmy.world... and you're supporting one religious state because you don't like it's neighboring religious states. I don't see the sense in that.

[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 11 points 2 months ago

I find it amusing how the argumentation that America is a Christian Nation is wholly reliant on not understanding political terms along with being ignorant of the history and founding documents of the United States. This is so frequently bundled with American supremacism and yet they care so little for the work of the founders or the history of the country.

[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 10 points 2 months ago

Society is optimized for the majority of people, not just certain personality types.

Eh, more or less. Society is also distorted by those who have a significant amount of economic or political power. It's still shaped very much with an exclusion of consideration of us but it's not really something approaching a 'decent fit for the majority' rather I would say it's something more akin to the powerful impressing their demands for the structure of society upon all of us and the majority contorting around it.

Ex. Why doesn't the US & Canada have a robust passenger rail network? Because of the influence of a strong automotive lobby (they used to and the car companies lobbied for it's de-prioritization leading to slow degradation to the sorry state they're in now).

[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 11 points 2 months ago

Oh no, the ardent adherents of our control scheme have taken it upon themselves to make the most minor of alterations to a common ritual of the scheme./s

[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 10 points 3 months ago

In my experience;

The best grinds are those that you're either grinding multiple things at once. For example: Doing a mission that gives parts for something you want while also doing it as a Void Rift so you collect Relics (ideally also for Prime items you want). You would also, ideally, be leveling weapons simultaneously to these grinds to be grinding three things at once but as you go it gets harder and harder to have new weapons to grind.

There are a few grinds that are still very worthwhile even when they're not multi-grinds. Getting to max rank with Fortuna is one of them. Efficient grinding of Focus for the Operator (once you get it, and the Zariman) is another.

[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 10 points 3 months ago

Because it's a control scheme. One of the ways this method of control works is to differentiate themselves from the wider world by claiming to have some special knowledge that a commonly held facet of reality is wrong and only they understand what the truth of the matter is.

[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 11 points 3 months ago

Getting diagnosed isn't free, it can also be counterproductive if you can make-do without support. This is for several reasons, including discrimination. Not to mention it can be harder to diagnose an adult and even more so pointless as most support centers on autistic children (so I guess fuck us once we're adults/s). I was diagnosed at three years old. My father has never been diagnosed. We're a lot alike and now that my family knows #1 Autism is a thing, & #2 what at-least one Autistic person is like some of us believe that he is autistic too. There's not much point in him being diagnosed in spite of him hitting a lot of the same criteria I do because he is able to make-do without help. He very well may benefit if he had support but he doesn't and has managed to arrange his life to evade most of the things that give him difficulty.

[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 10 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I really wouldn't be surprised if we eventually got a study saying 'Advertising is as bad for your mental health as cigarettes are for your physical health.'

[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 9 points 7 months ago

This'd be a horrible thing to encounter near your base but as an enemy that only comes from a spawner this'd be fun!

submitted 8 months ago by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/warframe@dormi.zone

...and I'm impressed. I did a quick reference of what she needs in terms of making her powers shine and threw something together then gave her a simple trial-by-fire: Zariman Exterminate At first my guns were carrying her. Got a little cocky and activated a Void Angel... couldn't handle it with just the guns (didn't bring my best to avoid wholly carrying her). So I avoid it and go about killing the enemies I need and in the process unlock Merulina. I hop on and decide to give the Angel another try since it's been following me. Now I've got the advantage against it. In the battle against the Angel I unlock Aqueblades and found they were... honestly OK against the Angel but pretty good against the Grineer.

Anyone else surprised by her beating the negative hype?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

Hello everyone, I've just finished the first segment of a sorting system in my world and now I'm left with an interesting decision: How do I decide what to sort with my currently limited sorts (84) and how to organize them within the system?

The system is organized as a square with 21 filters per side. I'm intending to build further layers below the current one until I can sort all stacking blocks but that's going to take quite a while and in the meantime I'd like to start enjoying the fruits of my labor.

So, how do you decide what to sort and where it's sorted within your system?

submitted 8 months ago by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/warframe@dormi.zone

The Abyssal Zone doesn't seem to want to tick over that I've cleared it in spite of having done several runs there. Is there something special that I have do to for it to count?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

This is a 9x9 wall of 512x512 maps, and a cherry trapdoor border. Perfectly centered is the group base of a few friends of mine and I. This took the explorer of our group aprox. 10 hours of exploring over the course of two months.

Fun Pairings (dormi.zone)
submitted 8 months ago by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/warframe@dormi.zone

Hello Everyone, Was thinking about one of my presets that I'd built because it works as an amplifier to a fun "instrument": Harrow Prime armed with the Shedu. I really love the Shedu, if my pfp hadn't made that obvious, and Harrow's powers just make it all the better. Been a hot minute since I've used it but if memory serves it drops off at higher levels but that doesn't matter too much, it makes me smile to use it.

Anyone else have pairings like this? Something fun that's amped up quite nicely by the rest of the build. Doesn't have to vaporize arbitrarily high level eximus, just has to be fun for whatever level range it works at.

[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 10 points 8 months ago

I mean we do have centuries of precedence for exactly that, exceedingly arbitrary laws passed to facilitate bigotted 'enforcement'.

submitted 8 months ago by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

Hello everyone, A few friends of mine and I have gotten to the point in our multiplayer world where we've got several important locations connected through tunnels in the Nether. We're kinda old-school so we use rails in spite of the presence of more efficient options... thing is none of us are experts on rails. Anyone know how to set up a T intersection so that incoming traffic from two directions is always sent to the third and from the third either of the others may be selected?

submitted 9 months ago by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml


Still pretty new to Lemmy. Came from the Reddit blackout. The instance my account is with(?) seems to have a rule or setting that prevents us from seeing downvotes.

Is there a way to change this for myself?

Let's Try: Lancer (dormi.zone)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/greentext@lemmy.ml

Be me: Raven, Pilot: Arlo, Frame: EVEREST

Be not me: Cypher, Pilot: Rena, Frame: EVEREST; Ghost, Pilot: Undisclosed, Frame: EVEREST; DM

Session opens on the stolen MBL-HM3 light freighter, having stolen it to escape from a planet

Ghost preoccupies themselves with maintaining their equipment

Cypher is poking at their NHP... it's not poking back, yet

Raven gets on the ship intercom: "Hey, if we're going to be working together we'll need an organization... I can set it up but we'll need a name."

Que short discussion of names before Ghost suggests 'Hammers', DM suggests adding a prefix to it and so we become the Crimson Hammers Mercenary company

We decide to take a job defending a moon mining base from some small-time raiders.

We arrive on site and get to work fortifying to the best of our ability... they will be arriving soon.

"Incoming." Ghost states, "Two West, Two East" as they come up on sensors.

"Got this one." Raven calls boosting into the fray and igniting his plasma sword and slashing into the lightly armored mech.

The slashed enemy mech begins to walk for cover provoking Overwatch from Raven... his plasma sword burns out right before contact. It then pops Raven for 6 damage...

"Guys.... help!" Raven calls over their coms asking for assistance.

Ghost responds by deploying a number of turret drones.

Cypher catches a shot to the chassis as the enemy that fired moves into cover.

Cypher pops their Core Power and surges into combat to help Raven. Launching their Nexus Swarm... it misses. They try to followup with a Lock-On and still fail.

The first enemy miss of the battle occurs as a mech waddles into a crater.

The fourth enemy takes a shot damaging the building we're protecting... and second enemy miss of the session.

Next round the enemy goes first! Enemy mech on the far side of the building gets shot... actually doing damage.

Raven goes first throwing a Hex Charge as a grenade! It chips both mechs and before the dust settles he's where they blast came from slashing both mechs with the plasma sword via Executioner and failing to finish off the second with a bad shotgun damage roll.

The second enemy manages to do the first point of Structure damage against Raven's mech!

Ghost's turn! They steady their aim and annihilate their first target with their super-heavy sniper rifle.

No enemy left alive to take their turn so it's Cypher's turn. They surge across the battlefield to try to Lock-On a new target... success! They then consume it to sic their drones on it... and miss again.

Raven's turn first at next round and he slashes the second mech in half.

Ghost catches a bullet... these guys are persistent.

Cypher nails them in return with the AMR and then their RPG for massive damage!

Ghost surges into range to finish them off with their Thermal Rifle.

Combat ended Ghost rips the slagged mech open... the pilot is alive!

"I got one." Ghost says

"How bad is he?" Cypher replies

He's alive, we hand him to the miners to guard while we deal with upcoming waves.

We have a few turns to repair our mechs before the next wave, we use the time to return to defensive positions and patch our mechs.

Now in a much better position than before we're ready to deal with the next wave...

Ghost goes first... their Cyclone Rifle slays another target.

Hearing the explosion, "Cypher, think you can break their comms?" Raven comments

"I can try." Cypher replies as the enemy's turn begins.

They try to fire a Mortar... and forget that we're in micro-gravity sending it off out of the battlefield. They then waddle away.

Cypher's turn. They Scan & Invade the enemy mech preventing them from approaching seeing they've got good weapons.

The invaded enemy waddles their way closer... but can't do much to any of us in that state.

Raven pops the slowed enemy with his shotgun then backs away as a turret gives a followup-pop

End of round and DM tells us something is happening... and whatever it was it missed

Ghost takes first turn and moves to a hidden position

The knife-guy moves up to flanking with Cypher! It forces a hull-save from a ram then boosts toward Ghost.

Cypher misses with the AMR then sics her drones on the target cutting into them.

Raven leaps into action landing on the melee-mech and vertically bisecting it with the plasma blade.

Ghost stabilizes and reloads.

The one remaining enemy fires their arching weapon... and batters Cypher and the building.

Cypher boosts back into range. They Lock-On and then Invade to activate their Hacker talent... putting the target into the Danger Zone!

Raven boosts into range of the artillery mech... and misses with a shotgun.

Seeing mechs charging at it the artillery panic-fires and misses.

Cypher's turn! She nails it with the Nexus and with the turrets help the mech goes boom.

Wave 2 defeated

We're told fast moving units, likely fliers, are incoming by the miners operating the outpost

Ghost goes first and takes aim with the Cyclone Pulse Rifle... crit! One dead mech.

Undeterred the first action of the enemy is to charge into battle! Reaching Raven with a boost. It wiffs it's one attack.

Raven slashes the mech in his face... provoking a reaction to be counter-meleed via chainaxe, doing just enough his shotgun followup misses.

The turrets finish off mr. chainaxe

The artillery mech that came in with these guys launches his payload hitting the building, Ghost, Cypher, a turret, and the building. Nailing them for 11 damage.

Cypher retaliates with her AMR chipping it before beginning to spread out, the artillery is getting dangerous.

It panic fires as it's hit and the shell goes wide.

Ghost repairs and reloads.

Raven boosts into melee with the artillery mech... and misses.

Cypher surges up and pokes it then ducks for cover.

It's turn! It misses.

Raven stabs through it's core with the plasma blade on Overcharge then spends their full-action to stabilize.

Cypher reloads.

End of round and the fliers arrive!

Raven boosts at the first flier... and misses.

The flier tries to escape Raven provoking Overwatch... and it does a barrel roll! It flies over the building and bombs the structure.

Cypher takes a Barrage to try and down the other flier... it also barrel-rolls but she nearly downs it on the second shot.

Ghost takes a shot... and misses with the Thermal Rifle, they then drop smoke for soft-cover.

The wounded bomber spins 'round and does a bombing run on Cypher.

Ghost takes aim with their Cyclone Rifle... and ~~misses~~ Reliable saves the action and they down the flier, they drop another smoke to stay hidden.

Through the smoke the flier manages to connect with Ghost.

Raven goes next and overcharges for a second boost... getting in range of the wounded flier only to miss their slice.

Cypher takes their shot with the Nexus and shreds the second flier.

"Anything else on long-range sensors?" Raven asks the outpost.

"Nope, all-clear." the outpost responds.

"Is the building OK?" Raven asks again

"There were a few explosions... something collapsed. I think we can fix it." they reply.

With combat over we extract from our mechs.

We ask to see the prisoner...

Raven asks where their ship is.

He doesn't want to answer.

Raven hits him, Ghost threatens to do worse.

They still don't crack.

"Can we get a room? Don't need to damage the employer's peace of mind." Raven asks.

They oblige and we get a room.

We decide not to RP out the "interrogation" and leave it as rolls

Near-crit He breaks as part of the slow-walk to the interrogation room.

He explains that they've made their base in the derelict of an ancient planet-cracker mining ship.

"Is what you've sent all the kinds of things you have?" Raven asks.

"I don't know everybody, I didn't know all those guys." he replies.

"What's your comms code?" Raven asks, looking to be able to listen in on enemy comms.

He hands us his comm unit.

Raven hands it to Cypher, "Figure out what code it's on and update our mechs with it."

She has it done after a few moments of looking at it.

"'Bout how big is your operation?" Raven asks

"Think we've got... 30 mechs and a few hundred people." he replies.

With that the interrogation is over.

We let the miners know we're done with him, they can do what they wish but we don't want him wondering off to warn his buddies.

We call the session their making mental note to see if we can gain allies for the raid on their base

submitted 10 months ago by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/greentext@lemmy.ml

Be me: ~~Erin, Human Fighter~~ Zaquar, Catfolk Swashbuckler

Be not me: Lilly, Ratfolk Druid; Elshe, Kobold Psion; Doot, Lizardfolk Shifter; DM

Resuming the game mid battle it's Elshe's turn!

Elshe fires a bolt of cold and tries to take cover... there's not much cover to be found but she's trying.

Lilly casts Stabilize on Erin, saving him from bleedout.

Erin... is still KO'd

Doot moves up to the railing and waits for a sensible boarding opportunity.

Enemy sailor's turn! It hails arrows from the enemy ship at ours!

The crew of our ship have finished reeling in the caught ship and actually get turns! They take shots with their own bows- BOOM and swivel guns!

Elshe buffs herself with Inertial Armor

Lilly holds action to intercept boarders.

Doot grabs a boarding plank and drives it into place.

The enemy sailors continue their bow barrage.

Our crew return fire with arrows and shot.

A few of our guys begin to board the ship!

Elshe peeks up from over their cover and fires another beam taking them down.

Lilly's turn, Fang charges across the boarding plank to score a kill!

Doot is dumped into the drink by an enemy action and stunned...

Our pirates continue to engage the enemy.

The few remaining sailors surrender.

Lilly heals Erin... he's still unconscious.

Lilly wakes him up once he's to positive HP.

"Don't do that again, please." Lilly says to Erin.

"Yeah, don't think I will be. Going to do something safer." Erin.

Doot is yoinked onto the ship by unexplained means.

Swap to Zaqaur

Zaqaur tries to kick down the door to the opposing ship's captains quarters. He then tries to simply pick the lock... and still fails.

Doot makes his way over and tries to open the door... One solid kick and the door flies off it's hinges.

"Why thank you, matey." Zaqaur comments with the door kicked in then heads inside.

Zaqaur goes to step inside... and immediately flops onto the deck, asleep. Runic traps.

...checking the specifics of the trap it hits Doot too and they save!

Doot gives Zaquar a few good kicks waking them up.

"Yarr! Rar... thank you. Damn magic traps." Zaquar.

"You there, Kobold! You're magic." he continues.

Doot points to Lilly, "She's magic too."

"Alright then, are there more traps?" Zaquar asks

"I don't have Detect Magic prepared." Lilly replies.

Elshe carefully makes her way across hearing the back-and-forth 'bout needing magic.

Elshe scans with Detect Magic and finds there's magic below deck but nothing on this deck.

"Go mark it out, I'll be assesin' what's in the cabin." Zaquar states.

Elshe makes her way to the stairs down, "Lilly, is Fang done eating?"

"He's done." she replies, and Elshe asks for him as a bodyguard on the lower decks

Zaquar finds a logbook searching the captain's quarters... it says they're storing dangerous magic items.

He hands the book to Doot, "Go keep the new Kobold from blowing themself up."

Meanwhile Elshe has found the general location of the magic items and is beginning to read their auras...

Elshe is carefully marking out what's what and writing an inventory without disturbing anything as Doot arrives to explain the danger.

With the logbook in hand and the partial inventory with their own paper Elshe is making good progress assessing what's what and asks Doot to relay this is going on to the captain of our ship.

Lilly manages to find the keys when asking Zaquar if he's found them... she takes them back to the hold for Elshe to pop some chests.

Opening the first chest they find an Orb, emanating an aura of Illusion!

They grab the Orb and get a second Will Save... it's slimy.

Elshe sits down to identify the orb... it's an orb of annoying illusions. It makes everything you do near it just a little more unpleasant.

Moving onto the next chest they unlock it and carefully peer into the chest... there's a wand!

"Yarr, there not be explosions yet... ye be alive?" Zaquar asks coming down the stairs.

Elshe confirms and explains which chests are dangerous.

The wand has a single charge... of True Resurrection! Too bad the Captain probably won't let us keep this.

There's one last non-dangerous aura... more illusion. Elshe opens the chest and it's a wineglass.

Intrigued she picks it up and it fills with wine... their favorite wine, even if they don't know what that is.

They identify it as being an illusion of wine, always providing the taste of the holders preferred kind of wine.

Elshe and Lilly sip some wine... Elshe not explaining it's an illusion.

"Not too much, any sailor still drunk by sunrise is dunked in the ocean." Zaquar warns.

Elshe asks Zaquar to make sure nobody fucks with the dangerous chests as she takes the wand and warning of the dangerous chests to the Captain.

The captain is having tea with the opposing captain in her quarters.

The Captain is pleased to have the wand delivered and word of the other items.

With that the day-to-day work of living on a ship resumes.

With that we call the session.

Previous Session: https://dormi.zone/post/240371

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/greentext@lemmy.ml

Be me: Kol-Jha, Koldemar Sorcerer/Dragon-Desciple

Be not me: DM; Alex, Human Fighter/Warpriest; Velius, Sylph Druid; Caw, Tengu Rogue; Silit, Kobold Rogue;

First segment of log is recap due to in-game logging being lost to technical issue

Session opens with the party buying potions and healing.

We go back to the farm with Daddy Dearest and camp outside as we do...

We're assaulted by Giant Mosquitos after some abysmal watch checks

They get a surprise round and nearly kill Alex outright.

We fight them off for a few rounds only just barely failing to keep Alex alive but also almost losing Silit right after reviving her last round.

Daddy Dearest was woken with the commotion and lets us start sleeping inside seeing that the short time the wards were down danger has crept into his homestead.

With a nights rest we Reincarnate Alex and they become a Vanara.

DD also cures Silit and Caw of Malaria contracted from the Mosquitos and the stat damage from the blood draining.

End first segment

DD offers to heal Alex's Negative Levels from the Reincarnate Spell but we'll have to pay for it... we can only just barely afford it but we can't have our front-liner be down a few levels.

"Well we've got a necromancer to kill, time to get going before they can repair too much of their defenses." Kol comments at the dawn of the third day.

Our returned-to-life monkey leads the way as they have the highest survival for navigating back to the ruins...

DM calls for Perception as we walk.

Kol: 25, Alex: 26, Velius: 15, Silit: 25, Caw: 33

We hear the sound of thunder from the direction of the farm... something has provoked Daddy Dearest.

As the sun sets we prepare to make camp...

Silit takes first watch... and all goes well.

Alex takes second watch... don't screw it up this time

It goes well, and Caw takes third watch. Which also goes uneventfully.

Time for the survival checks. Alex continues to lead the way toward the ruins... Velius also rolls just to be sure and they're positive it's the same direction.

New day new Perception checks...

Silit: 26, Kol: 10, Velius: 18, Caw: 27, Alex: 20

Silit & Caw hear the faintest notes of song but can't get a direction from it.

... we come upon a patch of dense flowers, Velius knows this indicates the presence of Fey.

DM calls for a Will Save...

Silit immediately flops and is snoring.

We decide to vacate the area, carrying Silit, before more mischief can be enacted against us.

We make camp... Silit taking first watch Nat1, the fey magic must've lingered a little

But it still goes uneventfully and Alex takes the next watch... the rolls are bad but the watch is still uneventful.

Rolls are still bad with Caw taking the final watch... his player gets a private message which isn't shared.

As the day breaks we find our camp surrounded by wildflowers... the trickster is following us.

Caw picks a flower and the DM calls for a few rolls...

Perceptions: Velius: 32, Caw: 33, Silit: 30, Kol: 24, Alex: 16

There's a tiny basket of berries.

Velius tries to identify what these are... they look a lot like the product of the Goodberry spell.

We each try one and its filling... as much so as a full, proper, breakfast.

With that done we make our way forward in the morning of the third day... the ruins should be coming up soon enough.

We get an encounter!

Perception checks: Kol: 24, Velius: 24, Silit: 19, Alex: 14, Caw: 16

Giant Elk in the distance... what are those?

Velius wild-shapes into an Elk, he's substantially smaller than them.

Kol asks our Elk what they are.

Velius knows they're Megaloceros but can't tell the party about it.

Velius scoops Silit onto her back.

We decide not to fuck with the megafauna and continue on our way.

We make camp for one last time at the entrance to the dungeon and with that call the session.

Previous Session: https://dormi.zone/post/158413

submitted 10 months ago by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/greentext@lemmy.ml

Be me: Erin, Human Fighter

Be not me: Lilly, Ratfolk Druid; Elshe, Kobold Psion; Doot, Lizardfolk Shifter; DM

Boarding the ship for our voyage to 'civilization' riding with the pirates...

We marvel for a moment at the diversity of the crew of the pirate ship for a moment...

Erin moves to the bow and takes a look out over the ocean as we're making away from the island.

There's something big under the water... but it's not coming this way.

Doot considers their flag and tries to recall anything 'bout this band of pirates... he knows little beyond they occasionally make camp on the island.

Elshe pesters one of the Catfolk 'bout if they have an aversion to water. They explain that they don't and some cats actually like water.

Before too long a Wyvarian in a officer's garb gathers the party and shows us to where we will be staying and explain that we'll be given jobs shortly.

After we're settled with out Hammocks we're asked what we're good at... so that we can be given jobs we can do.

Lily explains that she's got OK perception and that she's got a little magic... and her raptor companion.

Doot... can fish & swim, he's stealthy, and strong.

Erin's turn. He explains that he's good with knives, maps, and knows a little 'bout breaking and repairing machines.

Elshe explains that she studies engineering & history... and that she's got a little magic.

The quartermaster explains that our mage will be thrown overboard if they set anything on fire.

Sailing goes uneventfully for a week or two before we hear a call from the crow's nest!

Merchant vessel sighted, lightly armed!

For the first time in our journey the Captain comes out from their cabin: They're a Silver Dragon... disguised as a female Elf.

Elshe notices it's a Brig, and that it looks like it has a few hidden cannon-ports.

Erin prepares to swing from the rigging onto the enemy ship while Doot prepares to dive in to climb their hull.

As we approach the ship makes a surprisingly sharp turn to broadside ours!

Our ship manages to close the distance even getting in a broadside of our own before we're in range to use ranged weapons and spells.

As hooks are thrown and the ship begins to be reeled in Erin swings from a rope to land impressively onto the enemy ship... now surrounded by the enemy.

On their turn they manage to knock Erin out... but he's not dead yet.

Session called on Cliffhanger because RL issues

Previous Session: https://dormi.zone/post/68511

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Halasham@dormi.zone to c/greentext@lemmy.ml

Be me: Rikter, Tech

Be not me: DM; Armataige, Netrunner; Leprechaun, Medic

Have a few days of downtime while our medic heals from his injuries

Rikter decides he's going to make some Cyberware for himself in the meantime.

Armataige buys more ammo but mostly chills the whole time...

Once we're ready for another job rather than just sit around for one we ask our Fixer about somebody... head of a Booster Gang.

The Fixer knows somebody who might have that info... but they want a favor in exchange.

They want us to silence an out-of-town gang that's been making trouble for them.

We use one of our hijacked drones to get an aerial view of the target location...

Nondescript ruins of a town, they've got a few vehicles clustered around a bar. A few motorcycles clustered around a different building.

We jokingly consider stealing a Militech tank to drop on the bar then using the tank to mop up survivors before trying to find more sensible solutions

We get the idea that maybe we could drop a canister of napalm... one problem with that: where we gettin' the diesel? Turns out for all the dystopian corpo shit the diesel & gasoline are hard to come by now.

With that plan out the window we ask Armataige's cousin's if we can buy some vehicle stuff from them... they only hike the price a little 'cause family.

We supe up our car and prepare to head out under the basic idea of 'steal their cars and then shoot up the place'.

We get into the ruins of the town and put the car in neutral then have our resident strong man push it the rest of the way to the bar...

DM calls for stealth checks from the party... 16.... 16... 4.

As we approach the bar a pair of gangers wobble on out and make their way to out car to ask the fuck we're doing in their territory...

We give them a BS story 'bout the car being out of gas.

They buy it... but the story makes us seem vulnerable. They say they've got a sniper aimed at Leprechaun, our 'bodyguard', and tell us to get out of the car.

The entire party looks at the indicated window and none of us see a sniper

Rikter steps out of the car drawing his pistol.


Leprechaun, Armataige, Goons, Rikter

"WHERE THE FUCK'S YOUR SNIPER?!" Leprechaun bellows as he charges one of them colliding his massive steel fists with one of the goons.

They get a crit applying a critical injury! Dismembered Leg

Armataige tries to finish off the guy... and misses at point-blank

The guy dies. The other guy takes his shot at Rikter... it hits but bounces off his Subdermal Armor.

Rikter just laughs off the gunshot and steps up to slash into the next goon with his claws.

Top of the round and Leprechaun asks if any more are coming from the bar because gunshots...

Leprechaun charges toward the bar and takes position concealed from reinforcements.

Armataige takes position to have cover against reinforcements

The remaining streetganger draws a knife and it skitters off Rikter's skin just as ineffectually as the bullets.

Reinforcements show up and spot Armataige & Leprechaun... but they're in vulnerable positions.

They manage a shot at Armataige, piercing her armor! The other one fires wildly and takes out part of the neon sign above Leprechaun.

Rikter steps back from melee now that it's not just a massacre and starts gunning down the ganger.

Leprechaun charges the reinforcements grabbing the two of them and colliding their skulls... not quite lethally though.

Armataige's turn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EXC_rjs7tg

The goons! One misses Rikter and shatters one of our car-windows.

The reinforcements take shots at Leprechaun... and he's dodging bullets.

Rikter retaliates putting one of the streetgangers into critical condition with another dismembered leg.

Leprechaun double-crits the two of them! Rupturing an eye on each ganger! DM rules the damage is so massive they just die.

Armataige holds action to fire on reinforcements...

No reinforcements. The guy Rikter shot the leg off of just dies.

Rikter gets back in the car, starts it, and pulls it into their parking lot like nothing's wrong.

Meanwhile Leprechaun walks through the door... no he didn't open it and step through the doorway, he walks through the door like it wasn't there.

He immediately is under-fire! He shrugs off a shotgun blast at point blank.

Leprechaun's turn and he stealths as the guy that shot him scurried around a corner.

Rikter & Armataige start running to back up their heavy metal medic... it'll be a moment as they weren't right behind him.

We can hear movement but can't see 'round corners

Leprechaun's turn! He peeks around the corner to try and spot the enemy... and fails. He tosses a smoke-grenade into the room.

Rikter manages to cross the parking lot to be on the map

Armataige makes their way inside...

Still can't see what the enemy is up to

Leprechaun finds the security room! It's empty.

He continues moving... making it to the bar to stealth.

Rikter has fully caught up to the rest of the party under cover from the smoke.

Armataige finds her way to the security room! But doesn't have an action left to try and find an access point.

Enemies continue to do things we don't see.

Leprechaun is looking around trying to find them...

He sees two guys on the other side of the building and two more on catwalks above. The guys above look like they're prepared to drop the lighting rig above the smoke.

Rikter manages to make his way to having a shot against them and opens fire!

Armataige's turn and she's looking for net access... and there is none.

The enemy open fire on Rikter! He's buffeted with bullets one of them even scoring a crit, breaking one of Rikter's ribs

Leprechaun's turn! He sneaks onto the runway and slashes against one of them with his Helicopter Blade

Rikter flips the table for cover then takes his shots putting one of the gangers into critical conditions.

Armataige grapple-hands up onto the catwalks! She manages to wiff in best range increment with her rifle.

The guys on the catwalk drop the lights ineffectually and draw weapons.

One of the enemies kill over while another opens fire on Leprechaun! More dodging bullets from our giant the gunman flees into the smoke.

Leprechaun chases him into the smoke...

Rikter takes shots at the guys on the catwalk, only a single hit for moderate damage.

Armataige takes aim and nails one for serious damage, putting them into critical condition.

He dies as his ally misses firing at Rikter's cover.

Leprechaun in wondering around in his own smokescreen trying to find the fleeing enemy...

Rikter moves up taking shots at the last guy on the catwalk before taking cover behind another flipped table.

Armataige puts another bullet in the same target... and he's still alive! He drops his gun and pulls a grenade! He leaps off the catwalk with it... dieing in the process but putting the 'nade right next to Rikter.

Boom Rikter is just a bit more hurt... but he's still in good enough condition to fight.

Leprechaun is coming for the last guy... CYBERPSYCHO! and he's killed the last ganger!

"Is that all of them?" Rikter calls looking around seeing all the dead gangers.

"Yeah, looks like it... there were gunshots from the front door." - Armataige replies.

Rikter makes his way to the door...

Armataige drops from the catwalk to do the same.

Cyberpsycho opens his arm relieving his pop-up grenade launcher! He fires a 'nade nailing Leprechaun for serious damage!

Leprechauns turn! He grabs the Cyberpsycho! "Psycho." Leprechaun states calmly.

Rikter continues moving up and reloads with AP ammo.

Armataige takes position and fires on the psycho as Leprechaun is holding him still.

The Psycho opens his mouth revealing a massive tendril slashing at Leprechaun for even more serious damage and a critical injury! Dismembered Hand

Leprechaun's turn and he's now seriously injured! He throws down the Psycho in position for each of us to take our shots.

Rikter takes aim and fires! Just like the Gangers couldn't pierce Rikters subdermal Rikter can't pierce the Psychos.

Armataige! She goes full-auto... and can't control it.

The Cyberpsycho! He gets up and claws into Leprechaun for minor damage.

Leprechaun manages to miss the first hit but connects with the second punch.

Rikter is still struggling with the Psycho's heavy armor.

Armataige punches through his armor with single-fire shot.

The Psycho continues clawing at Leprechaun... missing by a hair then connecting with the second. Another critical injury: Broken Leg

Leprechaun is in critical condition! He doesn't kill-over this round. He keeps throwing haymakers cracking this guys armor just a little more.

Rikter actually manages to hit him... for minimal damage but the AP rounds are working.

Armataige puts another shot into him... but he's still standing.

CyberPsychos turn! He's got a pain editor but he's still wiffed both hits.

Leprechaun's turn! He still hasn't died. Another two Haymakers connect putting him into critical condition and giving him his first critical injury!

Rikter continues pumping bullets into him applying more critical injuries!

Armataige manages to amputate both hands with a single bullet!

Cyberpsycho's turn... he succumbs to his injuries!

Leprechaun passes his death save... and stabilizes himself!

We're still close enough to the city to access their net... Rikter checks this guy verses NCPD wanted files. He's very wanted.

This guys chock fulla cyberware though... we won't want to give all that free chrome to the NCPD so Rikter asks his underworld contacts if anybody could put a body in cold-storage for us... gotta wait till our medic can open him up.

Rikter knows a guy who's not only willing to freeze the body but also sneak it past the boarder check.

"Was this guy somebody we had to kill for the job?" Armataige

"No, but NCPD wants him, 4k eddies. But he's also full of chrome... called a guy to put him on ice until Leprechaun can open him up." Rikter

We check the other building... the Cyberpsycho hit that one first. They'll be cleaning up the gangers in here with a sponge.

We make our way back and bring the three cars the psycho hadn't destroyed.

Session called, after midnight

Previous Session: https://dormi.zone/post/18938

[-] Halasham@dormi.zone 11 points 11 months ago

Wonder if the buffoon is doing it because somebody made the "King of Twits" or similar comment to Elon directly and loudly enough he couldn't ignore it.

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