[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 0 points 54 minutes ago* (last edited 51 minutes ago)

Look at the last handful of democratic presidential losses to see this in action:

Gore gets nominated due to familiarity. He has the charisma of a warm sponge. He loses (barely, and not the popular vote; by the way, FUCK the electoral college) to George W. "I'd have a beer with him and hey wasn't his dad president?" Bush.

Kerry somehow rises to the top of the next democratic primary, a fact that I will never understand, because he also has the charisma of a warm sponge. Bush is familiar and a wartime president. He is re-elected in defiance of God and nature.

Obama comes along and is a once in a generation political talent. Things are pretty good for a while.

Hillary enters the primary and wins mainly based on name recognition. She presents herself as having the charisma of a warm sponge, when we all know full well that she has the charisma of a wood chipper, and since we're pretty good at detecting artifice she loses.

In 2019 we've got a pretty good set of primary choices, but Biden gets into the ring and that's pretty much fucking it, because, again, he has name recognition, so he blows past some better, younger choices and manages to leverage his name and Trump's fuck-ups enough to win.

The pattern is that name recognition will get you a real long way, especially with low information voters, and that is a real goddamn problem when there are objectively better options who aren't as famous.

So anyway, I think we need a constitutional amendment forbidding members of one's immediate family from running for president after one has been president. No sons, daughters, husbands, wives, etc. Fuck dynasties. Fucking fundamentally un-American.

[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 6 points 21 hours ago

/r/vexillology is one of the only things I miss from the other site.

[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

This is the way.

[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)
[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 12 points 2 days ago

Don't forget:

[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago

Not sure if it quite meets the standards of the question, but I keep calfskin driving gloves in my car and I love them. They're good for when the steering wheel is too hot or too cold, they keep my hands from getting sweaty on long car trips, and they make me feel like an old-timey race car driver.

[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 19 points 3 days ago

Conservatives heard Stephen Colbert say "Reality has a liberal bias" and concluded that the only solution was to declare war on reality.

[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

If they put pole dancing in the Olympics like it belongs you can bet your ass that ratings would go through the roof.

[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago

New Colorado law will ban sales of dental floss, clothes, & other household products...

Me: Yo, what the fuck is going on in Colorado?

containing toxic "forever chemicals"

Me: Oh, that makes sense.

[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

It's a re-imagining and not a film of the play, but Scotland, PA is a very good dark comedy about Joe โ€œMacโ€ McBeth taking over a fast food restaurant through less than ethical means. Christopher Walken appears as McDuff, an investigator looking into the goings on.

[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I was trying to watch the original Nosferatu but the version I was watching had dogshit Casio keyboard accompaniment. I muted it and had Spotify put on a playlist based on "Danse Macabre." Much better. That said, a proper silent movie with live accompaniment is fucking fantastic. I saw Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall that way and loved it.



Fitness (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by GraniteM@lemmy.world to c/shirtsthatgohard@lemmy.world




Bears bears bears (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago by GraniteM@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by GraniteM@lemmy.world to c/risa@startrek.website

I can't figure out how it could possibly be drawing enough nutrients to live, and yet there it is. I'd have chopped it up and dragged it away but now I'm impressed and want to see how long it goes on.


via NightCafe

submitted 3 months ago by GraniteM@lemmy.world to c/books@lemmy.world

Stranded on a strange planet with a race of alien vampires!

Sir Francis Drake (lemmy.world)

Night Cafe

submitted 3 months ago by GraniteM@lemmy.world to c/antiwork@slrpnk.net
This feels cursed (lemmy.world)

Blazing Frost Elemental should not be!

submitted 3 months ago by GraniteM@lemmy.world to c/dnd_memes@lemmy.world

The movie itself, not the main character

[-] GraniteM@lemmy.world 331 points 9 months ago

Isaac Asimov, a very intelligent person, wrote a lengthy essay to the effect that he had no idea what intelligence was. He talked about how society would generally consider him more intelligent than the nearly illiterate man who repaired his car, and yet whenever something went wrong with his car he would go to his mechanic and listen to his advice as if it was being handed down from the mountaintop by Moses himself, because Isaac Asimov knew fuck all about car repair. He talked about how he thought that supposedly objective IQ tests were generally a series of gates designed by people already considered intelligent to keep themselves in power, and that they totally disregarded huge swaths of indispensable human knowledge and talent. Isaac Asimov, who has been published in literally every section of the Dewey Decimal System, concluded that he had no firm idea as to what exactly "intelligence" even was.

In short, how could one even define "the dumbest 50%"?

And that's why Thanos should have made everybody half as large as they once were.

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