[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 days ago

I loved the cross-platform approach Kenny has taken, it is stuff that will be useful for years, and stuff like this is tricky to find resources for. :)

Saved for when I am at the "user" stage of my game, beyond "yay saves now work" and the lower level code :)

[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 2 points 4 days ago

Ooh for me that would be another "I know I should hear this but somehow haven't!" :) looking forward to tomorrow already to see what's next! :)

[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 8 points 4 days ago

I do now! First album is Illmatic by Nas, and it's been a good discovery so far :) I have a limited knowledge of hip-hop, so this is really cool to listen to! Thank you for the link to this :)

[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 17 points 1 month ago

Darn it, I popped into this thread to suggest Thumb-Key, and was beaten to it by the maker of the keyboard!

Thank you for making my phone usage much faster and enjoyable (written using Thumb-Key of course!) :)

[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 15 points 2 months ago

hehe I read the last words a "snot much" and did a double take :)

[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 14 points 2 months ago

Signed the guestbook :)

I think it could do with a very literal under construction image, with some sort of machinery- every website seemed under construction at the time!

Something like this?!

[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 14 points 3 months ago

I went and played Fallout 1 because I loved 3 so much... It took a few false starts (1 intelligence was a terrible call for a first playthrough lol, it ended bad)

Now I see it, 1 and 2 were so brilliant with the role playing and story that I can't go back to 3! 😊 So many choices, strong characters, just brilliant.

[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 13 points 9 months ago

Thank you :) just added this to my robots.txt :)

[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 16 points 10 months ago

Kind of like the multireddit feature- that used to be a big part of how I used boost to check in with any particular interest without wading in :) I would love this!

[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 10 points 10 months ago

Sadly, just software compatibility - doing music with specific programs needed for assignments etc - If drivers and compatibility weren't an issue, I never would have switched. :) I will consider using Linux again full time if my current machine ever gives up though, now that gaming has advanced so much further. :)


Hi everyone :) I was wondering if anyone would be interested in chatting about things similar to Blade Runner/Philip K Dick? I've read pretty much all of his books that I get my hands on, but am sadly hitting the point where it's an event when I find one I've not already read. :)

Do any other Science Fiction writers or films scratch the same itch? :)

To throw one of his own into the discussion: We Can Build You is fantastic - much slower, but explores androids, and their impact on the human characters. :)

[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 16 points 10 months ago

I totally agree :) I'm S10 until the thing melts, I managed to replace the battery under warranty and plan to rock it as long as humanly possible.

Headphone jack is a huge factor in that as I would not want to lose something I use every day, but also like you say, performance is fine! On top of that is the fact that I'm paying £8 a month for unlimited everything without a contract! :)

I guess there used to be a night and day change, and people kind of still expect that from the next flagship each time they're offered an upgrade?

That said, these days the trends tend to steer into things I don't use much, or improving what's already good enough - its a good time to be on a budget I guess! :)

[-] GoOnASteamTrain@lemmy.ml 10 points 11 months ago

That's me! :) I made an account on Lemmy out of general interest in foss projects, and am now a resident. :) The only thing I have noticed so far is more civil conversations and a much less stable app compared to boost (currently Jerboa crashes whenever I press back).

I batch-nuked my Reddit history, comments and posts, but kept my account open so that it doesn't get necromanced by Reddit and I lose control of it. I can't say I miss it at all - occasionally I've got curious about the odd thing and looked, but it's surprised me. :)

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