[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 1 week ago

Unions can be useful.... I have a friend who after 30 years would clearly be fired and replaced by three new employees with no experience because, to a director it looks like he or she saved money and so can be guaranteed a promotion.....

Where I disagree with Unions is that they have no accountability. If they negociate a scrappy deal or employees get no salary increase, they should give back to the employee as a padding or a rainy day situation considering union members do continue to pay the ever increasing fee of union membership.

I see unions here in Quebec(Canada) becoming fabulously rich while their scrape by...

Just look at companies that have seamstresses, they will offer full suits for the higher strata of society and yet the working conditions are like sweat shops.... And they are unionized which makes you wonder how bad it could get....

It feels, from my perspective that unions are useful so long as people can opt out and vote anonymously which is not always the case....

[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 1 week ago

Je pense aussi au fait que les municipalités ont des employés ayant des salaires qui sont incroyables...

Notre maîtresse de Longueuil est payé le même salaire ou à peu près à celui du premier ministre du Québec.....

[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 1 week ago

For point of fact I'm more on the socialist side since in my country we have had universal healthcare for years and are a better society for it instead of being gun trotting savage capitalist....

That's a you buddy @inv3r510n@lemmy.world

[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 1 week ago

You are the finest example of the American typical citizen who acts like a frog.... You let the media dictate your actions instead of using your own intelligence.... It's a pity...

[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 1 week ago

I am not saying that protesters should suffer through violence, that is twisting what is said. I said that when you are united as a people, you are capable of great things..... And protest is one of tools that you have....

[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 1 week ago

Have fun turning your country from a democracy into a dictatorship and then preach to other countries you invade that you bring peace.... What a real joke...

[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 1 week ago

Wow ... So whne a conversation reaches a higher thinking then that of the IQ of a cabbage...you star cussing.... Wow you must truly be the smartest of your class.... 🙄

[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 1 week ago

As I said, it is not easy. When the elites believes they have no resistance, they pig out....

There is only so much that cops can prevent in a protest, especially in a day and age of technology where everything is recorded

[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club -1 points 1 week ago

Both mate, I don't glorify murderers.

I try to stay consistent on that principle. The CEO of Health United deserved it, but that regardless of the fact that vigilante murder is illegal for a good reason.

And it should equally be illegal for United Health to commit these atrocities they are doing...

Where are the millions of Americans in the street yelling for justice!? This is the problem when your society favor individualism to the extreme.

Hell you can see people walk in the streets of New York while a homeless person is unconscious and what do people say? It's not my problem, someone else should call the cops...

[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 1 week ago

Agreed and his company and all like him should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Imagine if millions of people walked the streets to stop the healthcare scam of America? Blue and red United....

[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club -1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Life is short and filled with potential that sometimes met and other times robbed.

Having lost many members of my family, I don't wish it on others.


So I would suggest that anyone actually learn to read what is written. It's like taking to 5 year old that jump to conclusions..... Seriously people, I don't care about this Billionaire, I won't be someone who will sya that murder is good and let's purge all rich people. That is not constructive and I value life, not death. So many of you suffered from health insurance but when you come to vote you vote like most Americans do, not in my backyard. I don't want socialism, governments not coming to take my money or guns....

No offence but private health care didn't happen over night. You live in one of the greatest democratic institutions but simy chose not to use your tools. That is why corruption runs amok, none of you want to stand up and unite yourself with other Americans because you are all so bloody individualist. All other countries with universal healthcare didn't just get it by miracle, it was work and commitment to the greater good which means not getting into hissy fights for every little thing.

How about listening to George Carlin to. Illuminate your minds... Seriously America, everyone in the world has been telling you that you have a problem, stop gaslighting us.

[-] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I actually have to build a new computer (edit changed it from previous word used lol) ... The last time I had built mine was in 2013 with an Asus i7which lasted quite a while until the whole Windows 11....non compatibility.....

Now to look at socket type and see if my. Old casing can take it and yada yada ....

I don't want to go the laptop route since I still prefer desktop for gaming than laptops....

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