[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 2 points 3 days ago

I know, he is also hosted on a german association with the same id. Both github and the association will have to follow the laws anyways.

[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 12 points 4 days ago

You are using github so i doubt it is really the case.

[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 18 points 4 days ago

You are trying to do something many people really did before but had to stop, loosing their job for some of them...

What make you thinks you can do better? If you have time, spent it on useful open source project instead on a dead horse like reddit...

my 2 cents...

[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Yes but not in term of sanction.. Do you think the head of boeing will pay himself the fine?

When accountability is not enforced to the real responsible(s), well... you see what happens...

[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 3 points 6 days ago

A - You are full of shit

B - You shit when you are full

See how it’s easy to understand how both situations can be true at the same time?

[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 77 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

It’s even worse..

At no moment, you are in financial or personal trouble because (despite this situation being 100% your decision) it’s your old company!

You already left with a big bonus and don’t care if this decision will impact people life... You fly in private jet...

Yep, really good system...

[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 15 points 1 month ago

Was going to say that.


One of the main skill a developer must have is being able to troubleshoot properly how their code behave.

Break your code in small pieces, check all of them with unitary test (formal or not) to validate their behavior then move to the next step. Never test everything in one shot or you will be overwhelmed by side effect bugs whom will distract you from the real root cause.

Being a programmer is not just coding but also testing and deploying (even locally).

That won’t avoid you being blocked by a silly mistake for hours, everybody did that at some point in their career, but that will reduce your frustration against yourself when you discover why the bug existed.

Do a pause, go walk, change the topic and the next time you look at your code, you will spot the obvious bug :-)

[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 36 points 4 months ago

From me for example. I follow this studio and team since many years and i've participated to the funding of Divinity: Original Sin (DOS) more than a decade ago...

They got money from several sources but mainly because (or i should say thanks to) they delivered good products, they have being able to survive and work on BG3. Luck is not the reason, they've worked hard to achieve that...

[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 14 points 5 months ago

Well, we could argue than having everyone in the same building is also a risk (traffic/weather issues could block all operators to come for example).

So having operators dispatched in several towns with probably multiple Internet providers could reduce this risk. In case of real big crisis, I agree it's better to have everyone at voice reach, in the same room.

But, while a global internet outage could be a real risk for operators at home, having everybody able to join from everywhere can mitigate that.

And in case of a global internet disruption (another big risk that could happen), well classic mobile users would have also issues to contact 911 as lot of 4G/5G towers use internet instead of internally owned network to transmit our calls and data (the old copper landline disappear more and more).

Note that I agree with yours points too, their is pro and cons everywhere :-)

[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 16 points 5 months ago

Bravo, very good explanation! As fun fact, i still have at work several DEC ALPHA and OpenVMS servers (some are now VM but we still have physical servers from this era managing our data) and Ctrl+C works well!

[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 31 points 6 months ago

Totally useless "article". You learn nothing, you have to navigate between poor writing with high usage of explectives. It's like reading a 11 years-old rebel child blog.

tdrl: he use Arch linux, boomers...

[-] Enoril@jlai.lu 113 points 7 months ago

it's even worse.

  • he delayed the research of the site by providing wrong information (while he knew perfectly where the crashed plane was... because he walk to it to get the videos footage)
  • payed an helicopter to extract the plane scrape to a secret location (while ntsb was still looking for the crash site)
  • then destroyed the evidence, so the ntsb could not perform any checks

i could add also that he had a fire extinguisher hide in his pant (to be able to access the footage if the plane was still on fire i presume), the original motor was may be replaced before the crash, the plane door was not properly lock (to facilitate his jump)... ha and yes, he had a jumpsuit (no fitting a normal pilot activity)...

Well, all of that was badly done. He's a piece of shit that should never flight again.

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