I really don't know how I'm supposed to even compete with standards so high 😔
Science is a liar sometimes
When RiF died I deleted my accounts and found my way here. I still open a couple of niche subreddits from time to time just to check on updates but otherwise my time on Reddit is done. 2010-2023 (damn I hate to admit that).
How come community don't want me man 😭
People jerking off over Threads because they hate Elon
I watched it the other day on HBO. It was pretty trope-y and predictable. For me it just solidified the end of the Superhero genre because I don't feel like there's anything new they can bring to the table. It wasn't really a bad movie, it was just very flat and forgettable.
I've had a Fitbit, Samsung Smart, and Garmin. Fitbit and Samsung were almost a daily charge where my Garmin Solar lasts about a week. Both Fitbit and Samsung died on me roughly after a year and a half, Garmin has shown no issues.
No they spelled it right. Belived is how beekeepers assimilate into the hive. It's been described as sucking on honeycombs for the mind.
I'm an IT worker bee and I agree, management sucks
There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.
I'm pretty sure Linda's last one is from porn too