[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 1 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

Cats are an invasive and detrimental species and should not be allowed to roam freely outside. Just because there’s some breed that originated from your country doesn’t negate the fact they are a non native species nearly everywhere and wreak havoc on the local population of small animals.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world -3 points 2 days ago

Work in excess of 40 hrs per week is generally guaranteed overtime pay so that so called company you supposedly work for is really doing itself dirty if its requiring its employees to put in such hours.

I’m more inclined to assume you’re just a troll doing some soft propaganda so not really interested in any further conversation—but if you’re a real person and you really do work for a company that’s just gonna start requiring working over 40 hrs a week id suggest reporting the company to your state’s department of labor and finding a new place to work.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

If you were buying “new” games on floppy disks for $5 in the 90’s, what, pray tell, where those games? Prance of Parma? Semper Maria?

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

No you weren’t.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

Just walk your bike across it, geez.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I just let the steak’s own fat do the work, no additional fats necessary. Just be sure to allow the meat for rest for at least 5-10 minutes after cooking before you cut into it.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Answering based on a comment op made in the thread:

I think there are wireless hdmi adaptors that would enable you to move a normal monitor around but seems like l lot of jank—monitor would still need power, you’d need a wireless mouse and keyboard, a table, etc. I’d say a simpler solution would be to get a normal display for your computer and then a cheap laptop to run steam link on to stream games from your main computer to the laptop in whatever room you’re in. Performance would depend on your home wifi network.

I know ( or rather assume because I’ve never actually used steam link in any meaningful way) this limits you to your steam library, but like, we all know most games are just in our steam libraries.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 191 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Great, so we can cross off brazen public corpo-assassinations on the cyberpunk hellscape bingo card, eh?


Don’t got not other social to complain on so here I am: I really am hating the on-foot radio. I honestly find most of the radio music in the game to be kinda annoying and I’m really annoyed that I have to manually turn it off now every single time I exit a vehicle. I like it when driving, I like it when its on a physical diegetic source in the game (like when there’s a radio turned on on a table in a scav den) but now having to just have the radio all or nothing is honestly just annoying. I wish they had implemented a way to toggle this option in the game settings (if there is and I haven’t found it PLEASE let me know).

anyone else feeling this way? I am honestly kinda confused that this was an addition. I’d think car customization was a bigger community ask than “having a constant stream of generally annoying music” was big on the list.


Why would the devs do this to V?

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 67 points 7 months ago

“They’re just one bad apple” in reference to (more often than not) shitty cops, but also for most malcontents in a position of public trust. This a misappropriation of the aphorism “one bad apple spoils the bunch” which is literally saying that if there’s one bad actor in a group, the entire group is comprised.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 84 points 8 months ago

“This is a bad game because the bad choices are not marked red and the good ones are not marked green” -“Game Designer” turned “Professor” of game design at some random college, as reported by one of his Discord students.

Thanks for sharing.

[-] Donebrach@lemmy.world 64 points 10 months ago

Idk where you live but seriously just retake your driving test. If you failed it clearly means you have no business operating a motor vehicle and will probably kill someone or yourself or both.

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