[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

So what happened to Blackroom? I'd love to know what happened to that game and the fallout of them pulling the Kickstarter. He clearly moved on to sigil but man I really think he could make a cool new IP with gzdoom if he actually tried, instead of just living in the past with sigil.

[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

I use an Anker USB hub with power delivery and it's completely hot swappable, I would be incredibly surprised if the official dock wasn't.

[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

If they upgraded to Wayland they would have to rework their streaming protocol to function with Wayland and probably several other things need to be reworked. I use plasma 6 with Wayland on my endeavor install, but I still can't use discord streaming or steam in home streaming without problems. The x11 to Wayland video bridge by the kde devs isn't even updated to work properly.

[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

I've looked at revolt and well, when I tried using it it was filled with less than reputable individuals. I don't remember specifics but I remember noping the fuck off revolt real quick. If you want text chat, try matrix, if you want voice well, then idk what to say other than discord, team speak or guilded. Guilded is pretty cool, I actually like the client way better than discord but my friends all use discord and guilded isn't a huge platform. It is backed by the Roblox company so you at least know it's gonna be supported, but then again, it's the Roblox company...

[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 40 points 3 weeks ago

I wouldn't say in the works, this is one person who's a web developer posting on Reddit about an idea. In the works usually tells me they're already working on the project, not trying to find people to help start it. GL to them I guess.

[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 46 points 3 weeks ago

Good thing I exclusively use Firefox.

[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 41 points 1 month ago

The scammer even looks high AF every time he does an interview. This guy is a fucking joke.

[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 31 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Honestly just shows how dialed in the steam deck is, it's why I won't ever buy one of their competitors.

[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 53 points 4 months ago

Linux exists people, without copilot using your information for training data and if you game, has Valve releasing updates like crazy for proton making it easier and easier to use Linux for gaming. The only thing I use Windows for is GeForce now as the windows and Mac apps are the only way for me to play 1440p 120fps with their service.

Good beginner distros: pop_os, Ubuntu, Linux mint, Nobara or fedora, Garuda, Manjaro, solus, zorin. The possibilities are really endless. Just take your pick, make a bootable USB and try it out.

[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 45 points 8 months ago

Whoever can make a compatibility layer that successfully translates x86/64 to arm and vice versa and make it widely available will be a major player in the market. Valve has already somewhat done something similar with proton and Apple with Rosetta 2.

[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 69 points 10 months ago

This is the real problem for me, I can forgive the goofy bullshit and half-ass benchmarks, but that is straight up sexual assault and harassment. There's no way I'm supporting them until they address the allegations professionally and without some stupid "sponsor" joke video apology.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Defaced@lemmy.world to c/mentalhealth@lemmy.world

I'm a 37 year old IT Cloud Engineer, I have a great job, great house, love my family, but recently I lost my dad to cancer after a 16 year battle. My brother likes to say cancer had to cheat to win, it was all because he broke his back and had to be taken off his treatments for to long. Cancer is a fickle bitch...

Prior to losing my dad, I lost my best friend, who apparently dropped dead in his backyard. I don't know the specifics and frankly I don't want to know. Either way, these events effected me, and I started having massive panic attacks and anxiety issues, constantly afraid for my health even though there's nothing wrong with me. It took a few months of therapy to realize I needed medical help.

I was put on antidepressants and everything changed, I was a human again for the first time in like a decade. I was happy, I was successful, but now, idk if I'm just having a midlife crisis, or if maybe I'm just feeling depressed again, but I just feel lost. I've lost one of the few people in my life I've modeled my success after, my father, I lost the other person I could hang out with and empathize with, I have my wife and I love her to death, but my friend had been that person that was just there to hang out and make you feel better, and now they're gone. I'm still struggling to cope and it's just really hard and I need a place to vent.

Anyone have any ideas on how to cope and move on as well as control the anxiety without the need to be medicated?

TL;DR: Lost my dad and my best friend in the course of two years and it's been rough. Now I feel lost and confused constantly. Cloudy brain and I just don't want to be complacent in life and need some advice. Thanks for reading.

Edit: just wanted to say thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I'm going to take the advice I've been given here to heart and try some new things to try and give me some direction. Thank you all again so much for the help, it really made me feel a lot better.

[-] Defaced@lemmy.world 96 points 11 months ago

This was a really odd scene, dude just stares right off into space and comes back to say he's fine. That was a classic seizure if I ever saw one.


So I've seen a few posts regarding news outlets calling the protests a failure, and I don't really think that's the case. The protests have clearly made an impact, especially if the Reddit CEO is willing to oust MODS to reopen subreddits. I truly believe that something has been jump started here on Lemmy, Kbin, and all of the fediverse. What happened on Reddit has simply pushed those already on the fence, or looking for other social media platforms to jump ship. I truly believe the impact is greater than what the media and Reddit in general want us to believe. Something has started here on the fediverse that simply cannot be stopped, all we can do is inform others and show why it's the future of aggregated news boards and social media.


OpenMW is an excellent version of Morrowind and arguably probably the best.

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