[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 50 points 2 months ago

smart buttplug maybe? I hear those are very popular in the chess community

[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 52 points 3 months ago

what do you mean it's perfectly fair that poor people spend half their lifetime to pay off my loan without getting anything for it. my hard labor of applying for a loan is definitely worth 500k.

[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 49 points 5 months ago

they have been demoted to a bccountant

[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 52 points 7 months ago

The money system changed so that the bottom 80-90%'s wealth and income is constantly lowered via inflation and that stolen money is then handed over to the richest and most powerful people/companies via debt.

(side note: when I'm saying wages or wealth are shrinking, I mean in real terms, meaning adjusted for inflation, since the money you do get paid is worth less each year)

In this new system Nixon set up, new money is created out of nothing via debt via the banks, that money first mostly goes to the largest companies as loans. The Cantillon Effect describes how these companies can use that money before the inflation from the distribution of that money kicks in.

So not only is it stolen money, it's also worth more if you sit right at the tap close to the banks and the central banks.

But the biggest effect is that the working class can't adjust their wage prices as fast as companies can adjust their prices, so they are constantly shrinking compared to corporate profits. only the top income earners can outgrow the devaluation of their income (e.g. tech workers).

As an example, this means Amazon gets the wealth out of your pockets and on top of that profits off of the fact that their workers wages are constantly shrinking in real terms.

Another difference is the one of the working class's most important way to store wealth is through savings which are inflated away constantly, vs the rich have the ability to invest in a way doesn't get inflated away.

Another issue is interest rate manipulation, specifically artificially low interest rates. It floods the market with money, preferentially going to already wealthy people since they have an easier time getting loans and bigger ones. This mainly creates a giant bubble in the real estate market, making everything more expensive than "natural". So anyone with real estate gets richer and richer and everyone else gets screwed over. That's another reason why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Inflation also constantly devalues debt, so the rich that hold the most debt are effectively getting their debt paid off via the wealth of the working class.

In this system, anyone who can profit from debt and outgrow inflation wins and everyone else looses big time. Practically that means the bottom 80-90% of society.

Then also global labor arbitrage screwed over workers, so outsourcing.

The groundwork for this system was created in 1971. Some of this has been set up later. It was a takeover of our monetary system by crony capitalists to rig it in their favor.

There were a bunch of other policy changes disadvantaging the working class that others argue are more important, but in my opinion the changes to the monerary system are by far the most important effect.

That system has been cloned all over the world, that's why everyone has the same issues.

Another issue is that per capita energy production has been stagnant since 1971, energy correlated almost 1:1 with wealth. But that's at least for a good reason, that being to protect the environment. Still, not only are we not growing richer (besides from efficiency gains), a larger and larger share of what wealth we do have is going to the rich.

If we want to reverse that we need to constitutionally enshrine stable money (i.e. no inflation).

You could also try to redistribute the new money created via inflation to the working class somehow, but that seems silly when you could just have stable money instead. Imagine if you could just build wealth by just saving money again.

Or you could force companies to adjust wages by inflation, but that assumes we can produce accurate inflation numbers. In reality the official inflation numbers are always lower than the real inflation, so workers would still be screwed over. So I'm still for stable money instead.

And unless you want to wait decades to get back the wealth that has been stolen over the last 50 years, you need to redistribute it back to the bottom 80-90% in some way.

For example you could do a 8% wealth tax. The stock market grows by 8-10% each year, meaning if you have money, you just get 8-10% richer each year by literally doing nothing. If you take away that, the playing field is leveled with the working class. it basically means the rich would actually have to work for their money for a change.

We have to change something, because the system is clearly at the breaking point. Economic and well-being indicators haven't been this bad since WW2. And in may cases they are worse.

We are basically just serfs who only exist to make the rich richer at this point.

[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 53 points 8 months ago

But Jeff Benzos is the biggest pharamcist in the world now, so it's fine

[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 56 points 8 months ago

And the EU is wondering why they're having an image problem

[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 49 points 9 months ago

This made me realize, talking to people is like forcefully inserting you thoughts into their brain without their consent. People should just stop talking in general IMO.

[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 51 points 9 months ago

what if Neo was in reality from the beginning and Morpheus just drugged him and plugged him into the matrix to live in the fake hell version of earth where the fake machines took over

[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 51 points 9 months ago

is this satire or reality? I genuinely can't tell those two apart anymore, like in general

[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 48 points 10 months ago

well, when you're at the bottom, the only way is up

[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 47 points 10 months ago

Posadists be like "I support both sides"

[-] DavidGarcia@feddit.nl 53 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Well the war machine did a bang up job at preventing Ghadaffi from implementing gold backed currency to keep our scam money system going.

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