[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago

Oof this is definitely wrong. A blood thinner is one of the most important things whether a patient is taking or not. It's the nurses job to let the doctor know whether the patient is compliant not only for medical reasons but for documentation. That's outside the argument about profit in healthcare in US, that's basic medicine. What if that patient falls and hits their head? Do we need to know if they're on s blood thinner? What if they're hemoglobin starts dropping? What if they need a procedure? What tif their platelets start dropping? Etc, etc, etc.

Don't be a dick and not do your job, that makes your coworkers miserable and puts people in danger especially in medicine. I agree with burlit being and issue and chronic understaffing but be an adult and quit or move positions if you don't like it.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago

Do you have a link for the paper that describes the process for converting blood into stem cells? Curious how they went about it because making red blood cells into stem cells would be hard since they have no nucleus and no DNA. I googled but couldn't find anything about how they do it.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

That makes sense. I don't think there's been a moment like that in the podcast, the DM keeps expectations in check.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I'm a casual D&D fan since my only exposure is from Not Another D&D Podcast but I think it adds to the overall story telling experience. Super charges the lows and highs if it's a 1 or 20 especially on an important role. Does it break the game? Eh, not that I can tell and I've listened to hundreds of hours of the podcast. Though this is my opinion and not based on D&D rules, history, etc.

I also highly recommend Not Another D&D Podcast if you like silly shit mixed with crass humor, some good emotional content, and players fucking with their DM.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago

Gave Fallout 76 a shot again after trying it early in it's release and quitting due the travesty it was (also because I was disappointed in Starfield). It's good now, very similar feel to 4 though with some differences. It's a Fallout game so not perfect but the feeling of endless possibilities you get when stepping out of the vault for the first time is classic Fallout.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

Good hoodie section for quality stuff made in Canada or the US (I didn't check them all). Didn't know about Camber but I'll probably hey something from them. The work pants are dope too. Just bought some from Epaulet and American Trench and digging them.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

Switched a month or two ago. Pretty good, no really complaints, setting up the Google services I need is easy to do. Battery life took a hit but still a full day, some hiccups like one bank app that just doesn't work. Overall I'm happy with it.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

First album I played to celebrate. Also the first album I bought for myself as a 13yo along with Wu-Tang Forever.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The little Pac? That was a coworker who humored me but she'll be happy to know it looks pretty good.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

I'm listened to Jones on the Joe Rogan show when he was on with Eddie Bravo. It ended up with them getting wasted and spouting some really off the wall shit. Bravo was deep into chem trails. Jones confidently proclaimed that "interdimensional child molesters" were the biggest threat to humanity. If they were trying to get people to believe in that stuff they were doing a terrible job of it. Unless you're already primed to think that way, it was obvious they weren't thinking rationally.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

I just finished Breath of the Wild and was thinking I wanted a zkorok for around the house. I'd definitely buy the drunk Korok

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

If you ever want to go further, pathology as an MD or DO would be perfect. Sounds like you might work with them already. Med school is difficult, annoying, and expensive though.

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