[-] Collectivist@awful.systems 5 points 1 week ago

Yeah, I didn't say he only makes those videos, just that he makes a lot of them

[-] Collectivist@awful.systems 11 points 1 week ago

This guy has like a billion videos that are just some variation of "Here's a tech bro startup making a gadgetbahn and here's why it wouldn't work and trains are a thousand times better". Great that it exists, but since these startups never learn from others' mistakes and thus keep making the same missteps over and over and over again, it makes the videos very samey after a while. Not sure what I would do in his position.

[-] Collectivist@awful.systems 0 points 2 weeks ago

He wanted to be the foundation, but he was scaffolding

That's a good quote, did you come up with that? I for one would be ecstatic to be the scaffolding of a research field.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Collectivist@awful.systems to c/sneerclub@awful.systems

In his original post he said:

4: Related, breaking news: A popular Substack claims that COVID didn’t happen at all, and that both “lab leak” and “natural origins” are part of the higher-level conspiracy to distract people from the fact that there was never a virus in the first place.

He later edited the post to add:

I wonder if I could even more Substack likes if I one-upped them with a theory that lockdowns never even happened, and it was just one of those Berenstein Bear or Mandela Effect things where everyone has a false memory.

So now it's ironic, and therefore not harmful to spread the conspiracy theory to his large audience.

[-] Collectivist@awful.systems 1 points 4 months ago

Wait they had Peter's arguments and sources before the debate? And they're blaming the format? Having your challenger's material before the debate, while they don't have yours is basically a guaranteed win. You have his material, take it with you to the debate and just prepare answers in advance so you don't lose $100K! Who gave these idiots a $100K?


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