Any API Updates? (kbin.social)

First off, I want to say I appreciate all the hard work that goes into kbin - it can’t be easy running this.

Are there any updates regarding the kbin API? Just asking because I have not heard anything about it for a while and I know the API is a big step to get some good apps for kbin.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by CoffeeAddict@kbin.social to c/RedditMigration@kbin.social

REDDIT posted a more than 20 per cent rise in revenue in 2023 versus the year before, sources familiar with the situation said, as it prepares for one of the United States’ most anticipated potential initial public offerings (IPOs).

[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 15 points 6 months ago

Very well said and you have captured many of my exact fears.

Personally, if the decentralized fediverse was more developed and mature, I would not be as concerned about federating with Threads. But, Meta is entering at a time when everything is really just starting to develop.

They’ll be the big instance and they’ll have a lot of influence over the others as a result.

Just to give an example, What would happen if Lemmy.world decided to cut off kbin? Kbin would lose a ton of content and access to most of the large communities. Threads, thanks to Meta’s resources and huge Instagram user base, will likely gain more active users and communities than lemmy in no time and they could do the same. The difference is I believe Meta may be more likely to down the line because an open fediverse doesn’t fit super nicely into their business model.

I understand many people disagree and that is fine; nobody knows the future. If we decide to federate with Threads then so be it, and if it turns out I am totally wrong then I will eat my words. All I am trying to articulate is that I think there is reason to be skeptical of Meta.

[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 17 points 6 months ago

I mean fuck, how many of us left Reddit for their bullshit? Inviting Meta into the mix is an even worse proposition.

[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 17 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

My main concern is that this is just ~~Facebook~~ Meta utilizing the “Embrace, Extend, Extinguish” strategy that Microsoft used against Netscape in the 90s.

I feel like our small communities here - which are just getting started - are going to be flooded by Threads users who don’t even know what federation is and then all the content, power & control will realistically be in Meta’s hands.

My gut says that is probably Meta’s goal, but what do I know? I’m just some internet person.

[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 12 points 6 months ago

If it weren't real life I'd like to see that go down lmao.

It would also be hilarious to see Trump's reaction to being taken down by the Swifties.

[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 10 points 6 months ago

I hope you're right. I was definitely one of those people who thought Hillary was a slam dunk and thought Trump would never win.

I've not been confident in an election cycle since. I want to be optimistic and say Trump will sink himself and that we will all have the satifaction of seeing his ass in prison. But, he has weasled his way out of every negative consequence in his life and survived political scandals that would have sunk any other politician.

The dude is a cult.

[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 27 points 6 months ago

Can’t say I feel too bad for him.

He should have known this would happen once he agreed that one person could motion to vacate. His only chance was for democrats to come to the rescue, but he dealt them in bad faith.

On the bright side, everyone got to see how disorganized the republicans in congress are. The downside is now we have a crazy religious lunatic with porn-monitoring software on his phone as speaker of the house.

[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 13 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Incredibly shortsighted. This conflict has no easy solution and everyone involved wants Biden to take their side.

The trouble here is that the democrats coalition has stakes in both sides. This entire conflict was practically a gift to the republicans.

[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 10 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I generally do not celebrate death, but Henry Kissinger kinda sucked.

At least we can say Jimmy Carter outlived him.

submitted 7 months ago by CoffeeAddict@kbin.social to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

Sorry if this has been asked, but ernest has been on fire lately with kbin and it looks like he is getting pretty close to releasing the formal API soon.

I have played around with memmy and really liked it’s interface; it really reminds me of Apollo (RIP). I would love to be able to use it with kbin!

I know there are some differences between lemmy and kbin (the microblog and boosts, for example) and I am sure there are under-the-hood differences as well, so I know it is not as easy as flipping a switch.

Anyways I figured I would ask to see if there is any interest.


submitted 7 months ago by CoffeeAddict@kbin.social to c/news@kbin.social

The Rainbow Bridge connecting the U.S. and Canada at Niagara Falls, New York, has been closed after a vehicle explosion, according to the FBI and local authorities.


Kbin (and kbin.social) is slated for a major update this week that is supposed to bring in some improvements as well as the API.

My question is, How long after this update will it take for kbin.social to be added as an option for Artemis?

Just wondering - the app is great and I know I am not the only one really appreciating all the hard work going into it!

[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 19 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

To the surprise of no one here, they are continuing to make reddit worse.

[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 10 points 9 months ago

There is truth to this. But, Reddit’s drama also put the spotlight on the fediverse and the need for alternatives to Reddit in general. Personally, I can say I did not even know it existed. Over the last ten-or-so years, Reddit really did develop a monopoly on forums. The progress we have seen with Kbin, lemmy, etc is because of their heavy-handed and poorly executed crackdown on third-party apps.

But still, you are correct that the fediverse was not yet a full-fledged alternative to Reddit in June. Many lemmy clients, such as Memmy or Mlem, were not ready yet. And most promising Kbin client, Artemis, is still in beta as well. Even Kbin itself is still technically a beta (not that I don’t love them both lol). Had all of these been ready in June, then I think the Reddit exodus would have been much more dramatic and impactful.

I think we need to give it a bit more time. After all, Reddit didn’t get huge overnight either. So long as we keep posting and commenting away, and create environments/communities that are welcoming, we should be able to eventually grow into something that can rival Reddit.


Sorry if this has already been asked, but do we know how moderating will work from Artemis? Has this feature been implemented, and will there be any tools beyond what kbin already has available?


[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 36 points 10 months ago

I wish I could say I’m surprised.

To the right, the “rights of a fetus” are only relevant when its convenient to their agenda. Otherwise, they don’t exist. They’ll shamelessly use whatever arguments are in their arsenal to achieve their version of reality. Consistency and hypocrisy be damned.

[-] CoffeeAddict@kbin.social 14 points 10 months ago

It actually already is a feature. Kbin puts it upfront, and I think lemmy also has a way to access it.

I think it remains to be seen whether or not it’s a good idea.

I’ve seen some people say they like the idea because it make people think twice about downvoting - it cuts back on the instinctive “I don’t like this so I am gonna downvote.”

But, as you said, do we really want people coming after you because you downvoted them? There are crazy ass people out there, and if you ever get doxxed it could be a problem.

Maybe that last point is hyperbole, but crazy people are gonna do crazy things.

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