Maritime questions (lemmygrad.ml)

I'm currently an emergency certified teacher, but I'm really interested in maritime work and know a little bit about the career path and some options of how to navigate it.

I tried finding a maritime community on Lemmygrad, but I didn't have much luck, so if it exists I'd appreciate a redirect. Any comrades here familiar with maritime work and law?

I've got some friends who want to move to Shenzhen. I used to live in Beijing for a time as a ESL teacher. I don't really enjoy teaching, and I want to do maritime work, but I also rather miss China. So, I was curious: can I live in China, doing maritime work? As an ESL teacher I know companies will hire and help me with visas and the like in order to live there, but shipping is an altogether different matter. I know in most countries, maritime work hires foreign nationals all the time, but it's also a security thing. As an American citizen, would it be possible for me to get a Chinese visa and work in the maritime industry while living there?

This is really just a pipe dream at the moment. I don't have much maritime experience, and I don't have a maritime job at the moment. This is more of a five-year plan type of situation - something to start working towards, if possible.

Any help would be appreciated!


I'm an emergency certified teacher for geography in middle school in the US. Our textbooks are most odious propaganda I've ever had to witness, and I just can't deal with it. I managed to swing some alternative sources when we covered Eastern Europe and Western Russia, and when we covered China, but now we're going over Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Eastern Russia.

The textbook is just vile. Takes any opportunity to overrepresent every negative aspect of socialist countries in ways obvious to people like us, but innocuous to children. I've been struggling to balance my lessons in a way that teaches the regions, but isn't brainrot. Some of the stuff I can let slide and use the textbook for, but anything Soviet related is written in an insanely biased way.

We have to rush through the region to catch up to where other classes are, so I only need a few days' worth of material, but it's difficult to find things on YT that cover history of the region that's 1) easy for kids to understand, and 2) doesn't try and make the region out to be some kind of nightmare.

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 43 points 9 months ago

Tbh, the satire in 40K (and satire in general) seems harder to distinguish from life in the West the longer I live.

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 85 points 1 year ago

Mad respect to my comrades taking the time to try to engage and educate the liberals who literally refuse to have a positive thought about China. I've never seen one of them actually read an article or respond to the best points; usually they just find what they perceive is the weakest or most controversial argument and focus on that. Anything to deny the fact that sinophobic bias and believing propaganda is 90% of their reasoning for their shit takes. Still, I'm proud of the people in the community that still actively try to educate. I wish I had that patience anymore.

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 48 points 1 year ago

Even funnier if he's still a true believer in the US even as he's uncovering more and more shit. Finds out cops are working with white supremacists to silence black protesters? Well, the issue is just a few bad apples, not the whole system. Exposes Lex Luthor's bribery of courts and politicians to cover up his death squads killing protesting overseas workers? That's just one rich guy, not indicative of capitalism at all. Discovers the CIA running a drug ring to experiment new mind control drugs? Surely it's just rogue agents and not the whole CIA.

Top it off by him finding out, point-blank, that the CIA is trying to kill him for exposing the corruption and lies of the US, and Clark still not understanding that the US is the problem. Have Waller herself be the antagonist, getting frustrated trying to get it through his head that he's upholding a system totally opposed to his overly idealistic vision, but Clark just can't grasp it.

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 29 points 1 year ago

When I took a Modern Middle East class, I remember something about a king (I wanna say it was the Saudi king?) discussing the Israel situation with FDR. The story went something like FDR explaining they wanted to make an ethnic homeland for Jewish people because of what the Nazis had done, and the king was sympathetic but points out "Why not give them land seized from the Germans if the Germans were responsible? Why take land from Arabs who had nothing to do with it?" Allegedly, FDR admitted it was a good point and promised to discuss it later, but died before he could, and Truman just went ahead and supported Israel.

We also read a letter a Jewish person from the region had written around the time of Israel's creation where he pleaded with the West not to force the creation of the state by stealing Arab land, pointing out they had a peaceful relationship within Palestinian Muslims and that stealing land to make an ethno-state would just agitate the region and make them hostile to the people Europeans were claiming to protect. He asked why it wasn't possible to just create a Jewish homeland in the US if it was so important and the US cared so much, especially since the US had so much land. I think he also mentioned the fact most of the Jewish people being sent to Palestine to found Israel were European first, and there was a cultural and linguistic rift between them and the Jewish people actually already living there.

That class was the only instance in the US I've ever heard these points of view. Not counting online communist spaces.

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 52 points 1 year ago

Russia may win this war in the conventional sense. They may take Kiev, install a Russia-friendly government, and even have military forces occupying the country to keep the terrorists from simply walking in and overthrowing them. But the West will do all they can to spread civil unrest in the populace, to get them to side with the russophobes, to fund and arm those russophobes, and to recreate this same model in all of Russia's neighboring countries. I'm not sure you can actually "win" the style of war the imperialists wage nowadays unless the imperialists lose wholesale. If the US and its lackeys keep channeling their propaganda in a region, keep throwing their money in a region, keep arming fascists in a region, then you have an infection you can't control. And if you crack down and secure it, it makes your liberalized population sympathetic to the fascists because they can't see or comprehend the threat to their sovereignty or lives. This is the game the West plays and has played for decades, and I don't think its going to end until the head is cut off the snake and the fascists are cut off from their platforms and funding.

Of course, everyone here knows this. How this is going to turn out for Ukraine, who can say? The terrorists might slip the leash and attack Europe, immediately turning everyone off from the whole thing and giving Russia a needed reprieve. I suspect Russia may win the war, but the peace will be a grueling and draining affair for years, until the US is forced to divert resources elsewhere and the fascists are forced to go underground as their funding dries up.

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 47 points 1 year ago

Personally I think that's even worse. It implies that SS Galicia had a reputation for brutal mass murder by that point and this dude decided to join up with them. It's like wanting to enlist in the US Army right after you find out about My Lai.

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 56 points 1 year ago

He hasn't. He knows he can get away with any amount of Nazi support just by spouting some liberal bullshit line about democracy and redirecting the people's animosity towards Russians, which everyone in the West seems to be indoctrinated into hating without a single critical thought.

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 30 points 1 year ago

Surprising absolutely no one here. We all knew they'd blame it on Russia, just like we know most libs will happily oblige.

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 34 points 1 year ago

Poland and Finland, though there's more nuance there than libs care to observe. For example, ignoring the fact the territory they took from Poland was Ukrainian territory Poland was, uh, "making Polish". And obviously the Finns wound up joining the Nazis. They also seem to think Ukraine spontaneously fought the Soviets and just happened to get Nazi support later.

They exist in a vacuum where they think the bulk of the Axis powers and allies that fought Russians were somehow wholesome victims who had no choice but to fight for Nazis. But, paradoxically, the USSR can't be forgiven for the Nonaggression Pact (even though the West signed NAPs first and financed much of the Nazi war machine, sometimes even during the war). Liberals have the attention span and object permanence of a wet noodle.

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 35 points 1 year ago

As a person in the Imperial Core, I still can't comprehend how backwards the logic is here that most Americans would read this meme and think it's grounded in reality. Even having been the kind of guy who would believe it once, I still don't understand.

I think it's just racist indoctrination to believe Russians are evil.

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 42 points 1 year ago

Normal people would, but there are libs out there who genuinely believe downvoting or trolling communists on Lemmy is some brave stand against totalitarianism. I don't think we need to assume any of them are getting paid. The West produces a surplus of terminally online people who want to attack communists without feds having to lift a finger (other than to dismantle education, ensuring more "patriots" attacking communists online).

[-] CicadaSpectre@lemmygrad.ml 56 points 1 year ago

I always find it telling how authors have to walk on eggshells to even suggest something against the popular narrative, even when it's become so obvious that anyone who bothers to look into it can see the reality. The way this article starts with setting the scene as sort of relaxed, and how the title reads like "We're obviously super great and everything, but is it possible that maybe just this once we're wrong?"

It's the same with the Ukraine conflict. It wasn't until the catastrophic failure of a counterattack that people even began suggesting that it might have been a disaster, or that Ukraine is flawed - at least in more public media - and even then, the earlier stuff starts off so... "Well obviously the Ukrainians are in the right and totally could win, but maybe this was a bad idea".

I don't know, I just find it pretty telling in our freedom-loving society, which values Free Press and Free Speech, that every mainstream journalist acts like they'll get executed if they report something that displeases their masters. I mean, getting fired and blacklisted from a major media outlet would probably serve the same purpose anyway, so...

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