
joined 6 months ago

I was wondering if anyone would be able to assist me with any little bit of spare $$. Every tiny little bit would be extremely helpful and very very appreciated. My goal is to simply trear my partner to an elelgant dinner for Christmas. She is the love of my life.Her and I both struggle just to get by day to day. I would be as grateful as a person could possibly be if Someone could help me out so that we could enjoy a decent bite to eat on Christmas. My PayPal is @KeralaDee ( my Venmo is also @KeralaDee and my Cashapp Cashtag is $BaileyteaDee( My nickname is Bailey). Thank you all and happy holidays.


If anyone is able to help me out with groceries then I would be very grateful. I have Hypoglycemia andy blood sugar is low. I hope and pray that someone believes me. Even a few dollars would be helpful. My cash app tag is $BaileyteaTea (Bailey is my nickname), my paypal is @KeralaDee and my Venmo is @KeralaDee (My email is thank you.


I want to thank everyone who has helped me out so far. Im very grateful and appreciative. I am once again needing help with some grocery cash so that I can avoid having a hypoglycemic attatck being as I legitimately have Hypoglycemia. I really hope that people believe me as Hypoglycemia is a very serious medical condition that really sucks. If anyone is able to helpe out with wven just a few dollars, so that i can avoid low blood sugar, I would be soooo appreciative. Also, I am on mission to obtain a used van that runs good in order to avoid freezing to death in the cold weather. I am currently homeless in Portland, OR. Its been getting down to below freezing temperatures lately. Please, if anyone can help me out that would be so awesome. My Venmo is @Kerala Dee ( my PayPal is @KeralaDee and my cah app cashtag is $BaileyteaDee (my nickname is Bailey). Thank you.


If anyone is able to help me with even a few bucks for food I would be very much so grateful. my cash tag is $BaileyteaDee and PayPal is @KeralaDee. sorry for the confusion. thank you.


I'm needing help with some food. If anyone can help me with even a few bucks I would be extremely grateful. My cash app tag is $BaileyteaDee and my PayPal is @KeralaDee. Thank you.

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