
joined 6 months ago

Please, if anyone has the ability to assist me with even just a couple of dollars, I would be the absolute most appreciative and grateful person alive. My blood sugar is really really low right now. I desperately need glucose as soon as possible. I really am on the verge of having a seizure. Please send just a few dollars so that I can buy some fruit juice and some food please. My cash app tag is $BaileyteaDee, my Paypal is @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail, and my venmo is also @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail. Thank you. I will be sure to pay it forward as soon as possible.

     I want to let the people that helped me out a couple of days ago that I'm extremely thankful and very grateful.  If anyone is able to send me even just a couple bucks, I would be so appreciative.  Anything helps.  I really am hypoglycemic, no B.S.   I really do have low blood sugar.  Please help me so that I don't have a hypoglycemic seizure.  Its very urgent.  I need food and fruit juice. My cash app tag is $BaileyteaDee, my Paypal is @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail, and my venmo is also @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail. Thank you.

Thank you to those who helped me the other day. I appreciate it. If anyone can please help me out today with a few bucks so I can get some food and fruit juice (glucose) I would really really be so thankful. My blood sugar is very low and I really don't want to have a hypoglycemic seizure. My cash app tag is $BaileyteaDee, my Paypal is @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail, and my Venmo is also @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail. Thank you.


PLEASE HELP ME OUT. I cannot begin to explain how seriously bad I need food and fruit juice (glucose) . anything helps. Even a couple of dollars. My venmo is @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail and my Paypal is also @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail and my cash app tag is $BaileyteaDee. Thank you. Just know that I am absolutely serious about how necessary and dire assistance is needed.


I am currently having to borrow my friends phone to post this. As I'm sure you can imagine, its an inconvenience for my friend and for myself. My phone was stolen the day after Christmas though. I can get a brand new BLU view 5g phone for $29.99 and unlimited service for $40 (the same model that was stolen). If at all possible I would like to get the same kind of phone that I just had, being as I am use to it. If anyone is able to assist me then I would be most grateful and absolutely appreciative so so much. Please, even just part of the amount would be helpful. My venmo is @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail and my Paypal is also @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail ( Bailey is my nickname). Thank you.


First things first, thank you each and every person who has helped me out. I truly appreciate it. If anyone is able to send even just a few dollars so that I can eat today, I would be so extremely thankful. I have hypoglycemia, and my blood sugar is currently very low. Every little bit would help. My cash app tag is $BaileyteaDee, my venmo is @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail, and my Paypal is also @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail. Thank you all.

    Just so everyone is aware, I would like to make it as clear as possible just how grateful and appreciative I truly, truly am.  If anybody could possibly help me out with even just a few dollars towards a tent, tarps, and some DRY, WARM, AND COMFY blankets so that my partner Andi I don't freeze to death being as we are currently homeless, that would be spectacular.  Also, a few dollars to put towards some healthy , delicious food would also be quite awesome.  My Venmo is @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail, and my Paypal is also @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail.  Thank you.  Happy new year.
If anyone read my post a few days ago,  I explained how the day after Christmas my partner and I awoke to find that our brand new tent ( we were planning on setting it up that day) was stolen, along with both of our backpacks.  Inside was my new tablet, my phone(I'm currently borrowing a friends phone in order to write this ad), and my wallet which had $200 cash in it, and a $100 gift card for food. My debit cards were in my coat pocket, thank goodness. If anyone is able to help out with getting a tent and a couple of tarps, I would be extremely thankful. I also would like to  thank each and every person who has already helped me out. I am so grateful. I promise to pay it forward the first chance I get. My Cash app tag is $BaileyteaDee, my venmo is @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail, and my Paypal is also @KeralaDee baileyphone2023@gmail. Thank you all, and Happy New year.

If anyone is able to help me out with some food then I would be very appreciative. I have hypoglycemia and my blood sugar is very low. Even a few dollars would help. My cashapp tag is $BaileyteaDee, my venmo is @KeralaDee, and my Paypal is also @KeralaDee thank you.


So... Despite currently being homeless in Portland, OR and it being COLD, WET, RAINING, and I almost forgot, I am wearing my only set of clothes and socks. my feet and legs have been soaked for about a week straight, no bullshit. But despite all of this fuckery, my partner and I did have a good Christmas. We were thankful for having been blessed generously and thankful we have each other. But, I guess all good things come to an abrupt, fucked up end..... When we awoke the next morning, immediately we realized that both of our backpacks were... just... gone. Along with our brand new $170 tent that we haven't been able to set up yet. The contents of my backpack included my tablet, my phone ( I'm currently using a friend's phone), clean clothes, and my WALLET. Inside was over $200 cash and a $100 Fred Meyer gift card so we could feed ourselves. Luckily my Debit cards were still in my coat pocket(Venmo card, PayPal card, Cashapp, etc....). So as you can see, we absolutely had all of the means necessary to take care of ourselves for at least a week or more, not anymore though. If anyone has the capability to help us out at all, even just a few dollars, that would be so awesome. We would be so appreciative. My Cash app tag is $BaileyteaDee, my venmo is @KeralaDee, and my PayPal is also @KeralaDee I will make sure to absolutely pay it forward when I'm able to. Thank you.


If anyone happens to read this post has even just the slightest bit of ability to assist us in our wish to have a little bit better of a Christmas holiday than we're currently having, please please, spread some cheer in our direction. I promise that any assistance absolutely, positively will for sure not be the up most appreciated. Any and all Empathy shown will be matched by our ability to pay the good karma forward as soon as we have the means to, i swear. My cash app cash tag is $BaileyteaDee, my Venmo is @KeralaDee, and my PayPal is also @KeralaDee. Thank you.


My partner and I both have Hypoglycemia, on a very real note. So any little bit of assistance woyld be extremely helpful and we would both be so very grateful and appreciative. Please, if anyone is able to open their hearts up and help out with even just a few dollars, please, please do. my Venmo is @KeralaDee ( my PayPal is also @KeralaDee ( and my Cashapp Cashtag is $BaileyteaDee. Thank you and happy holidays to all.

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