I am of the opinion that Marxist propaganda must take the form of the early method of democratic agitation first used (to my knowledge) by Licinius Macer, of whom Ceasar was a contemporary. It quite simply aims to provide nothing more than they facts of the matter, and let the masses decide (e.g. Lenin and his "3 Methods of Governance", or in "State and Revolution" where rather than try and convince the reader that communism is correct, he simply states things as they are, and analysis them, allowing the reader to make up their own mind).
It is manufactured consent failing spectacularly. The US gas been gearing up for war, but China has just refused to engage. So you end up with the comucal situation of the US trying to provoke China and China itself not giving a fuck. As so preparations towards war continues in the absence of war itself. This includes endless China bad/failing stories as part of manufactured consent.
And they claim they need to be oppressed by the north Korean government to stop them leaving the dprk when ths South Korean culture seems to be doing all of the heavy lifting. Sometimes propaganda just starts disproving itself...
joined 2 years ago
Here. It is quite short by Lenin's standards.