[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 10 points 1 month ago

Meanwhile here in Sweden, everyone's criminal record is public, and even available to search online. Unless the crime is something minor punished with a fine. It's really ridiculous, everything is publicly available online, like addresses, phone numbers, the cars or pets people own. Unless you have a protected identity, it's all available to everyone online. I tried to apply for a protected identity on account of being a public servant that is involved in making decisions many people very much dislike. But I couldn't provide a concrete threat so it was denied. It's like the system is still geared towards pre-internet times. The system itself in fact doxxes every resident in the country.

[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 10 points 1 month ago

Spent a year in the south/south east of Africa, and different variations of fermented maize beer were the most common alcoholic drink among locals.

Thobwa is the Malawian/Zambian version, while umqombothi is the South African one.

[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Or look at the literacy rates. At the time of the revolution, so past when this photo was taken, less than 40% of Iranians could read and write. And let's not mention The Celebration of the 2,500th Anniversary of the Founding of the Persian Empire by the Western puppet ruler, spending millions and millions on a tent city for foreign dignitaries in the desert plains, while his subjects were living in abject poverty without access to education or health care. Let's just look at the mini skirt in the photo and wonder at the enlightenment of those days and the backwardness of today, when the literacy rate has more than doubled in 40 years for example. But they have hijab, therefore the society has obviously regressed. That's the measure for how advanced a society is, the length of the skirts of the few who are well off.

[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 8 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The US and Germany are both signatories of the UN arms trade treaty . This is article 6 (3):

"A State Party shall not authorize any transfer of conventional arms covered under Article 2 (1) or of items covered under Article 3 or Article 4, if it has knowledge at the time of authorization that the arms or items would be used in the commission of genocide, crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, attacks directed against civilian objects or civilians protected as such, or other war crimes as defined by international agreements to which it is a Party"

Mass murder is the name of the game in war. So arming other militaries is always in support of mass murder. But in the eyes of international law some mass murder is acceptable as part of war. Genocide and the other crimes recounted above however, have been deemed to cross the threshold of acceptability in international law, and therefore are meant to stop the transfer of arms immediately. If the US and Germany were to acknowledge that these crimes are being perpetrated by Israel, they'd have to stop transferring arms. Mass murder in itself is admittedly wrong, but that alone is not sufficient to trigger a halt to arms exports. Therefore, it is of great importance to keep repeating: this is a genocide, and those arming the perpetrators are complicit in their crimes.

[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 6 points 8 months ago

Iran is a multi-ethnic society. What ethnicity is the ethno-state you imagine centered on? Persians? You know that General Soleimani wasn't a Persian? Or that Iran's supreme leader is an Azeri Turk? Or that the merchant class of Iran is not centered on Persians? How is this an ethno-state? Zionists sure like projection it seems....

[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 8 points 8 months ago

Why would you write nonsense like this when you obviously know nothing at all about Iran or regional dynamics? Iraq is a close ally of Iran, so no, they're not "not far away from the top" of Iran's regional opponents. Also, those who don't like the general's 'clan'? WTF are you babbling about? Iran is not a clan-based society the way you seem to believe it is. I'm Iranian and the 'clan' of Soleimani is not a subject I've heard discussed ever. You seem to think the garbage spread by the Bushie's in the 2000's about the region is how things actually work. It's a pathetically uninformed attempt at sounding smart. Read a book maybe?

There are three candidates for these attacks. Odds all clearly point towards the Israelis as the top suspects. However, it could also have been carried out by the MEK, or the Islamic State Khorasan. But even if it did, the likelihood is high that Mossad played a coordinating role in the operation. There's zero chance Soleimani's 'clan', whatever the fuck that refers to, was a factor in this terrorist attack.

[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 6 points 9 months ago

I think it's pretty clear that they just wanted to 'scream and shout at the people's like the researcher in the article says. A herd of angry elephants looking to do actual damage would have easily crushed that car if they wanted to. This was just a warning, as the calf turned out to be fine.

[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 9 points 11 months ago

Heard a lot of shit Iran's supposed to be involved with in the region, but it's the first time I hear them being accused of having engineered the Israel -Palestine conflict. How do you figure that? I would've understood accusing France for their involvement in sykes-picot, or even the Turks since the Ottomans administered the region in early 20th century. But Iran started supporting the Palestinians after the 1979 revolution, before that the Shah very much supported Israel. So I have a hard time seeing how they could be blamed for engineering the conflict.

[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 7 points 11 months ago

Are these the "anti-white" supporters you're talking about? https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/leadership/

Seems odd that these anti-white warriors would be overwhelmingly white themselves. I'm guessing you think the only competent people they could find to hire were white?

[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 11 points 11 months ago

Twats like him call themselves expats and imagine that they can't be immigrants because they're white.

[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 9 points 1 year ago

I'm firmly against defederating anyone. It's sad that so many just want to remove voices they don't like from a public forum. I believe that we should avoid defederating at all costs, it should be the absolute last measure contemplated after everything else fails. I didn't like their posts for a couple of weeks doesn't even come close to being a good reason IMO.

[-] AreaSIX@lemm.ee 8 points 1 year ago

Ditto, the unapologetic attitude is something I often miss on the left. Everyone on reddit seemed to hold back so that they wouldn't get dog piled by the reactionaries. This is refreshing. Of course there's a lot I don't agree with, but I'm old and most people on there are young I imagine. I used to sometimes say brash and idiotic things when I was younger too. Their heart seems to be in the right place, and the left needs a counterweight to balance the right's efforts to effectively monopolize mainstream online discourse.

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