[-] AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca 5 points 3 days ago

I watched all of clone wars shortly after season 7 came out and loved it. Quite a few boring episodes (if you see jar jar just skip the episode) but the good ones are amazing and outnumber the bad. I was in my mid 20s at the time.

[-] AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca 6 points 5 days ago

Huh interesting, it shows up as a gif when I send it as a text, guess I'll have to upload gifs to a 3rd party website next time.

My bad.

[-] AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca 6 points 5 days ago

I upvoted already but I just wanted to add that this is an awesome reply and I appreciate the information. I grew up in the guitar hero days so I heard a lot of both good and bad about dragonforce but I never bothered to follow up after the hype died down.


[-] AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca 15 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Edit: Does this show as a gif for anyone else? I'm using sync and that just shows a static picture unless I click on it.

[-] AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca 5 points 5 days ago

"It's a big club and you ain't in it"

That sucks, I hope things get better for you and your neighbors, even if I doubt it, sadly.

[-] AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca 21 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

As much as I would love if you guys did that, practically guaranteed you'd all be fucked in some way because "rules for thee not for me"

Can't be having filthy peasants disturbing the very hard working politicians and local rich people 🙄

God I hate how the world works.

[-] AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca 48 points 5 days ago

Jesus. Anything over 20c is too much for me. I can't even fathom what 50c feels like and I hope I never have to experience that.

[-] AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca 15 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Stellaris players have left ~~the chat~~ life

[-] AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Yeah, we in Canada aren't having the greatest time unless you already own a house or are very well off already. No working class person is gonna be buying a house without god tier credit and skimping on everything as much as possible and even then itll be insanely hard. Rent? Went from 1800 for an old but well maintained 3 bedroom in 2017 in a nice neighbourhood to 3 fucking grand for a run down shit hole 3 bedroom in a sketchy neighbourhood with a slum lord. That was mid 2022. Shits only gotten worse since then.

Where I live you basically have only 3 options for work. Minimum wage like grocery stores, fast food etc(which are 90% TFWs cause nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK). Government jobs for people with an education. Construction/camp jobs if you want more than minimum wage without a degree, but your old age is gonna be worse than it already is due to trading your body for a higher wage.

I'm all for good people coming here, but make sure you know what you're getting into first. It's fucking expensive to live here unless you wanna live in a shit hole small town (which has its own hidden expenses that eat into the savings on rent)

[-] AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca 39 points 6 days ago

"Whenever you're sitting in that chair in your shitty nursing home sucking down jello through a straw, you remember that I put you there you twisted fuck"

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca to c/factorio@lemmy.ml

So after struggling through 57 hours of Bobs&Angels for the first time, I've finally got everything I need to get blue science up and running. Base has been mostly idle for the last 15 hours while I slowly spaghetti'd my way up this point. I've been aiming for only 30 SPM so far cause I knew it'd be slow going since it's my first time playing the mod and that turned out to be very true. Must've spent a good 5 hours minimum between recipe book and factory planner so far!

Next on the list once blue science is going is to start transitioning to a city block train base. My mall is nice and stocked up and once I have bots the process of phasing out the starter base will begin. Got some homemade block BPs that are 150x150 tiles big and with 1-2 or smaller trains my blocks can support up to 12 stations if I need it. I have space extension installed so I'm eventually going to need high SPM at the endgame which should be a fun challenge to build for.

Really not looking forward to making modules, those things look like a giant pain in the ass to make but I'll have to get em going sooner rather than later. Any suggestions or tips for getting modules up?

Having a ton of fun with the mod pack in general though, I've played K2 5 times, K2SE twice (burning out around 200 hours in on both tries) and this modpack is turning out to be awesome. My favorite parts of K2SE were the more complicated recipes you started running into once you got to space and started setting up mining outposts, but the complexity of Bobs&Angels has a much steeper learning curve to it. So far it's my favorite part of the mod, it's extremely satisfying to make progress in this mod IMO.

Have some stew (lemmy.ca)

The real way to defeat the witch king


Fuck you Nerys, tell your mum to tell Sisko's mum I'll be over late tonight!

[-] AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca 62 points 9 months ago

This is the part that pisses me off the most. The cancer that is American politics is infecting our country. Now we got dumb fucks like Danielle Smith and PP crying about the "woke" agenda and other imported republican bullshit. Even worse, it's working extremely well on the dumbest of our population and spreading like wildfire.

Fuck America and their sports team politics. People need to realize it should be working class VS the rich, but they keep us distracted and divided with this dumb fucking culture war and the morons are lapping it up.

submitted 11 months ago by AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca to c/hockey@lemmy.ca
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