[-] Alue42@kbin.social 7 points 4 months ago

What about when wearing (really good) noise cancelling head phones? Everything you've mentioned is when there is some sort of noise going on, but it's it also happening with everything cancelled out? A few people have pointed out Auditory Pareidoilia which is your brain trying to find words/pattern/meaning in the noise it is hearing, but is it also doing that when the only sound it can hear is it's own blood whooshing though your veins, which it should be used to? What about in a sensory deprivation tank?

There's Hearing - which is what the all the tiny bits of your ears connected to the nerves do, then there's Perception - which is how your brain interprets the information it receives from the nerves connected to your ears and puts it back together. Basically, your brain is working overtime to try to figure out why you are listening to the noise you are listening to. As long as it's only happening in those situations described and, as others have said, it's not voices telling to do anything.

[-] Alue42@kbin.social 13 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Way back in college (20ish years ago) I had a friend that was living on the Illinois/Indiana boarder. He lived in Indiana but went to college in Illinois, so he was going to school in one time zone and working in another. To make matters worse, in those days Indiana had some counties that observed daylight savings and some that didn't. So he had to keep track of what shift he was on for work in his own county and if it was daylight savings or not, and in case he was making plans with any friends in other counties or just going to stores or appointments or anything, and what times he had to go to class in the other time zone. He says there were days he would show up places three hours late even though he only lived 20 minutes away because he didn't realize time had sprung forward and he had his watch set on the wrong state.

This was before smartphones, and I think the state has done away with that partially observing the time switch thing.

Personally, I'm a SuperCommuter and commute long distances for work, but only occasionally. So I'll live on the West Coast but my office is on the East Coast, so I think in office time. For me, 4am is 7am because that's what time it is for the rest of my team. Occasionally I'll have to set my internal clock to Guam Time or Amsterdam Time for a couple weeks at a time until a project is done, and it makes it much easier when I fly out there because my brain is already on that rhythm.

[-] Alue42@kbin.social 9 points 4 months ago

It's also about people thinking when they get tired of clothes thinking "oh, I'll just donate it" or when they want to get something new so they want to get rid of something first. The fast fashion industry encourages changing up style and keeping up with trends, which increases donations. Well, those donations need to go somewhere, and people don't think about where it ends up.

Being more thoughtful about maintaining one's clothes, mending them, using sustainable fabrics, and going with classics that won't go out of style instead of trends greatly eases the burden on the charities accepting the donation of the clothes. If the charities don't accept the donation, the clothes will simply go to the landfill, which is a whole other issue.

[-] Alue42@kbin.social 22 points 5 months ago

The instant I saw this picture, I thought of the Parks and Rec scene:
"That's not really the attitude I expect from an award winner."
"Everything I do is the attitude of an award winner, because I have won an award."

That should be the case for the picture "Everything I do is manly because I am a man." And the same for the person you are responding to "Everything I do is gay/straight/other because I am gay/straight/other." That one part of someone's identity has no bearing on defining the rest of them - ie, being gay means that he's attracted to men but doesn't define what he wears, how he acts, etc.

[-] Alue42@kbin.social 22 points 6 months ago

"but what about--?"
"There can be no question!!"

[-] Alue42@kbin.social 7 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

This is incorrect. You are likely confused due to the fact that the names of the fields are similar.

Osteopathy /=/ osteopathic

I'll discuss the fields as the are in the US, as I am not aware of how they are in other countries.

  • Chiropractors go through their own degree programs through their own colleges.
  • Osteopaths are homeopathic practitioners (not doctors, and they refer to their customers as clients, they are legally not allowed to refer to them as patients) and are alternative medicine practicioners.
  • MDs receive a medical degree and are doctors.
  • DOs receive a medical degree (an MD) as well as an additional 300+ hours of osteopathic study through their medical school to receive a second medical degree certification - this is NOT the same as the homeopathic study, this is the study of the bones, joints, nerves, and how they all work together as a whole.
[-] Alue42@kbin.social 8 points 8 months ago

It's not that I hate 3d effects, but I'll avoid them if I can, for a variety of reasons.

As other people have said - I wear glasses, I having to put the glasses over my own glasses just makes it difficult. They don't stay on and I have to hold them, it makes the image askew, it's uncomfortable on my nose and ears when it does "fit". They really should come up with a more inclusive way to watch these as a good portion of the population wears glasses.

For another, I suffer from migraines and 3d effects not done well tend to trigger them, and I already have enough triggers that I can't avoid.

A strange one needs a little bit of backstory - I was never great a sports as a kid, could never quite catch a pop-up or hit a fast ball, but I was great at throwing or other aspects. People wrote it off as just "unathletic" and I went on to live my life as a weird nerdy kid despite the rest of my family being athletic. Fast forward to my adult life when I was put on a very strong medication and needed a very thorough eye exam and a result to set a baseline to make sure the medication doesn't end up damaging my retinas (thorough to the point that the exam was 5 hours and I had tests done I'd never seen it heard of before).
It turns out my eyes/brain only interpret half the depth perception of the average person. So what I'm seeing during a 3d movie is not what's meant to be seen. And since this is not an eye exam that would be regularly given - who knows if it people that are complaining about the movies have the same issue I do? Cartoon-y 3d (like Disney world/theme Park things) is fine for me, but things like Avatar just give me migraines.

[-] Alue42@kbin.social 16 points 8 months ago

Supported the poaching, or were victims to it and still trying to make a dollar where they can? #victimblaming

[-] Alue42@kbin.social 7 points 10 months ago

While this might seem unusual or unexpected, this is common practice in the case of giraffes raised in captivity.

[-] Alue42@kbin.social 10 points 10 months ago

Two of the eels are the arms and two are the legs. Together they harmonize the oooo's and form the torso.

Don't overthink the fingers, that's artistic license of the comic artist.

[-] Alue42@kbin.social 22 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I will never not upvote this. I can't even remember the actual words to the last line anymore, it's been "I am several fish and not a guy" to me for a decade, and I don't mind not looking it up to remember what the real words are. I prefer this version.

[-] Alue42@kbin.social 9 points 11 months ago

I'm honest. If I'm there for an annual exam and have no complaints I just say I'm fine. If I'm there for an issue I say "not great". If I'm there for a follow up of an issue and it's gotten better I say "better than last time", or if it's not gotten better or gotten worse I say "not as good as I'd hoped for". These leave it open for the nurse to leave the answer as-is and continue with their checklist or follow up and ask about the symptoms.

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