[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 13 points 2 days ago

You sweet summer child

How are they going to get past my firewall rules?

[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 17 points 3 weeks ago

Ubuntu was my first Linux desktop distro and I’ve been using it for 4ish years. I really liked it but I no longer feel like I can trust canonical after the whole ‘secretly install Firefox snap when installed with apt cli’ thing. It wouldn’t have even been a big deal if they just said it was only available as a snap but the execution pissed me off to the point of switching

[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

Ya that just sounds like good practice for internal services.

@Kethal@lemmy.world Maybe see if you can use a FIDO2 device like yubikey for 2fa

[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 19 points 1 month ago

Are you sure? Discover does have free identity monitoring and I get emails every month saying whether they found anything or not. I have never gotten an email saying they found my ssn though so can’t say for sure if this is legit. Either way I would still check through the app or their website without opening the link.

[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 11 points 4 months ago

It’s like getting mad at math because rich people use it to count money

[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 10 points 4 months ago

Its more likely that they are required to have insurance that would cover ransomware due to the sensitive information they have on patients

[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 5 points 4 months ago

Sure if it fails completely it will, but it doesn’t catch everything. Here’s a related story I have:

At work we had a bunch of Lenovo X1 Carbons running windows that would have the usb-c ports die seemingly randomly on users which was a big problem since that’s also the charging port. There never seemed to be any similar root cause connecting the incidents and Lenovo’s support wasn’t any help. Our entire company is remote but luckily we had onsite support so for a while they would just come by and replace the whole motherboard each time.

Finally one day while scheduling a repair the support guy I was talking to just said, “Oh I’ve seen this before. It’s just a bad update and resetting the CMOS battery by putting a paper clip in this hidden hole fixes it.” We had the user try it out and the ports worked fine again. Apparently they had run some windows updates that failed silently and were causing the hardware issues.

From then on any time a user has had a hardware issue we can’t figure out we just have them try the reset and it has worked every time. This only happens probably 3-4 times a year but we only have less than 40 of these machines so not an insignificant amount.

[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 16 points 5 months ago

article link for those like me who don’t feel like watching a video

[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 18 points 6 months ago

8th gen is when support was added for HEVC I’m pretty sure

[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 8 points 6 months ago

We are all AI on this blessed day

[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 13 points 7 months ago

LibreWolf is just hardened Firefox

submitted 8 months ago by AlphaAutist@lemmy.world to c/homelab@lemmy.ml

I am trying to figure out the optimal way to connect an 8 bay drive enclosure to a Dell Optiplex 7040 Micro. The end goal is to have the drives made available to a Proxmox cluster and kubernetes cluster. This is all for learning experience as well as to run services for personal use.

The cluster will be made up of 2x Optiplex 7040 and 2x Optiplex 3040. All have i7-6700t CPUs, the 3040s have 16GB DDR3 and 1TB SATA SSD each, and the 7040s each have 32GB DDR4 and 2TB NVMe drive with an additional empty SATA port on the motherboard. The enclosure is a MediaSonic ProBox with USB3.0 and eSATA interfaces available

I have heard that you shouldn’t use USB to connect to storage so I have been trying to figure out a way to use eSATA even though the Optiplex does not have an eSATA port. I found some SATA to eSATA cables on eBay, would that enable me to connect the enclosure directly to the free SATA port on the Optiplex?

Would this setup work? Is it worth it to sacrifice the additional SATA port on one of the 7040s in order to avoid using USB? I would like to maximize stability and speed.

I have not yet decided how I want to configure the drives but was planning to look into either a ZFS pool or ceph. All drives in the enclosure will be for media storage (movies/tv/music, was planning to keep pictures and documents elsewhere) and passed to LXCs and kubernetes cluster I plan to run on Proxmox.

Any guidance on the connection setup, storage configuration, or my plans in general would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


I am trying to figure out the optimal way to connect an 8 bay drive enclosure to a Dell Optiplex 7040 Micro. The end goal is to have the drives made available to a Proxmox cluster and kubernetes cluster. This is all for learning experience as well as to run services for personal use.

The cluster will be made up of 2x Optiplex 7040 and 2x Optiplex 3040. All have i7-6700t CPUs, the 3040s have 16GB DDR3 and 1TB SATA SSD each, and the 7040s each have 32GB DDR4 and 2TB NVMe drive with an additional empty SATA port on the motherboard. The enclosure is a MediaSonic ProBox with USB3.0 and eSATA interfaces available

I have heard that you shouldn’t use USB to connect to storage so I have been trying to figure out a way to use eSATA even though the Optiplex does not have an eSATA port. I found some SATA to eSATA cables on eBay, would that enable me to connect the enclosure directly to the free SATA port on the Optiplex?

Would this setup work? Is it worth it to sacrifice the additional SATA port on one of the 7040s in order to avoid using USB? I would like to maximize stability and speed.

I have not yet decided how I want to configure the drives but was planning to look into either a ZFS pool or ceph. All drives in the enclosure will be for media storage (movies/tv/music, was planning to keep pictures and documents elsewhere) and passed to LXCs and a kubernetes cluster I plan to run on Proxmox.

Any guidance on the connection setup, storage configuration, or my plans in general would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

[-] AlphaAutist@lemmy.world 47 points 9 months ago

They hated tomato for he spoke the truth

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joined 10 months ago