[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 5 points 11 months ago

Here's the best summary I could make for the linked article

The FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel announced that the FCC will take an active role again in overseeing corporate control of the internet. At its next meeting, the FCC will vote on restoring its Title II authority to regulate internet service providers. This will allow the FCC to prevent anti-consumer practices like price gouging, access throttling, and privacy violations. It will also empower the FCC to reinstate net neutrality rules barring ISPs from slowing access or prioritizing speed for certain sites. Net neutrality is overwhelmingly popular among the US public but has faced opposition from large telecom companies and their lobbyists. The article suggests the FCC's new stance may rekindle debates between tech and telecom giants over how the internet should be regulated.

Restoring the FCC's Title II authority is important for allowing oversight of hugely powerful ISPs and their control over a vital part of modern life and civic participation online.

Archive.today link to fair.org

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[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 5 points 11 months ago

TL;DR for the linked article

The Writers Guild of America went on strike for 148 days, forcing the studios to return to negotiations. With help from a SAG strike, writers secured major concessions around AI usage, streaming residuals, and staffing minimums. These were demands the studios had refused, but writers showed through an uncompromising strike that highlighted class differences that these were realistic goals. The victory sets a precedent for other unions to organize in the industry and demand increased protections. To defend their gains, writers will need to remain militant as the studios look for loopholes and try to roll back terms.

Increased organizing and a willingness to strike again will be crucial to protecting workers' interests when negotiations resume with SAG and in future contract fights.

Archive.today link to www.socialistalternative.org

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[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

In case you're in a hurry here's the jist for the linked article

The Land Alliance, representing five First Nations in Ontario, is opposing mining and extraction on unceded Indigenous lands without consent. A march called the March for the Land is being organized to pressure the Ontario government to respect Indigenous sovereignty and stop resource extraction. The article argues that capitalism depends on domination over land and resources, requiring the ongoing oppression and genocide of Indigenous peoples. It claims settler colonialism cannot reform itself and will always violate treaties and encroach on Indigenous land. The piece calls on the settler working class to support the land march and stand in solidarity with Indigenous people against the extraction-driven policies of Doug Ford's government. It notes that large shows of opposition have successfully pressured Ford to backtrack on policies in the past.

United action could challenge settler colonialism's theft of Indigenous land and positioning of the land as a resource rather than sacred living space.

Archive.today link to springmag.ca

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[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

My abstract of the linked article

Eddie Irizarry was shot and killed by Philadelphia police officer Mark Dial while sitting in his car. Dial was initially charged with murder but the charges were dropped, angering Irizarry's family and supporters. On September 26th, protests turned into widespread rioting across Philadelphia in response. The riots saw organized and well-prepared participants spread looting across the city to overwhelm police. After looting electronics that were later disabled, some rioters destroyed the items to reject consumerism. While smaller in scale than 2020 protests, this revolt highlighted Black consciousness against anti-Black systems regardless of the specific victim's race.

Anarchists played a limited role in intentionally participating but supported the growing unrest, seeing it as a sign of future mass revolts to come.

Archive.today link to itsgoingdown.org

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[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 5 points 11 months ago

In case you're in a hurry here's the jist of the linked article

Union organizers at an auto parts plant in London, Ontario were prepared when management launched another anti-union campaign. By mapping out the workforce and addressing managers' claims of bankruptcy directly, the union secured support. Experts note employers increasingly rely on consultants to bust unions. Successful organizing involves addressing workers' issues discreetly while building relationships. Amazon uses intimidating one-on-one meetings to discourage unionizing at its Montreal fulfillment center. Meanwhile, Honda monitors "hot spots" with color-coded maps and sets "watch lists" of at-risk franchises. The article highlights how mapping workplace geography and leveraging workers' concerns can help unions overcome employer interference. However, aggressive union-busting tactics are spreading as companies learn from each other.

Overall, the piece examines current unionization efforts and strategies used by both labor and management.

Archive.today link to briarpatchmagazine.com

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[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 5 points 11 months ago

Read this summary for the linked article

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French authorities raided Nvidia's offices as part of an antitrust investigation into the cloud computing sector. The regulator is concerned that large cloud firms could use their dominance to hinder smaller players. While companies rely on Nvidia's AI chips, its market share was estimated to be over 90% by analysts at Citi, highlighting its dominance in this area. The raid on Nvidia comes months after a report by the Competition Authority recommended monitoring established companies for potential hindrance of new entrants using emerging technologies like AI. As demand grew for Nvidia's components, its valuation surpassed $1 trillion in June. The inquiry focuses on Nvidia but is part of a larger examination of anticompetitive practices in cloud computing.

Nvidia's overwhelming market share in AI chips appears to have triggered scrutiny from French regulators.

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[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 5 points 11 months ago

Here's a short summary for the linked article

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ASML, a leading Dutch semiconductor equipment manufacturer, plans to open a support center in Hokkaido, Japan in 2024. The center will provide support to Rapidus, a newly established Japanese chip producer located in Chitose, Hokkaido. ASML will send around 40-50 engineers to the center to assist Rapidus. ASML is uniquely capable of supporting Rapidus as the only manufacturer of extreme ultraviolet lithography machines, which are essential for producing advanced chips. Rapidus was formed in 2021 as a joint venture between 8 major Japanese companies including Toyota and Sony, to develop a domestic source of next-generation semiconductors. The Japanese government strongly supports Rapidus in pursuit of supply chain and economic security.

Notably, Rapidus aims to begin test production of cutting-edge 2-nanometer chips from its new Chitose factory as early as April 2025.

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[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

TL;DR of the linked article

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In the 1950s, psychologist Harry Harlow conducted experiments showing that baby monkeys preferred to spend time with a soft cloth surrogate mother rather than a wire one, demonstrating the importance of physical affection. Today, many people spend more time with the "digital wire mother" of the internet rather than real social connections. While technology can supplement relationships, it cannot replace true human interaction and risks supplanting meaningful socialization. Over-reliance on online platforms reduces opportunities for building robust support networks. However, digital connections may provide temporary relief for those lacking community.

The essay calls for vigilance in ensuring technology supplements rather than replaces real-world relationships.

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[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Here's a short summary of the linked article

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Lawmakers say a government shutdown appears inevitable as the deadline of midnight Sunday approaches. Senate conservatives want to delay a vote on a stopgap funding bill to give the House leverage to negotiate spending cuts. It's unclear if the House will pass its own funding measure or accept the Senate's bill. Senators expect votes through the weekend to pass a funding bill to the House. Rand Paul says he will object to expedite a vote without Ukraine aid. A shutdown now seems likely and federal workers could go without pay for a week or two. Negotiations between the House and Senate could last days or weeks if they need to compromise on a stopgap bill.

The document highlights Rand Paul's threat to slow down passage of the funding stopgap unless Ukraine aid is removed, indicating one senator's objection may be enough to cause at least a brief government shutdown.

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[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

TL;DR for the linked article

An independent review found that NASA's Mars Sample Return mission plans are unrealistic and need significant changes. NASA hoped to launch the first elements in 2028 for $4.4 billion, but the review estimates a 2030 start at the earliest for $8-11 billion. The report states that the mission was established with unreasonable budget and schedule expectations and an unwieldy organization. It echoes earlier concerns raised by Ars Technica and some NASA scientists that the growing costs could take away from other science missions. Under the current plan, the Perseverance rover will collect samples and deliver them to a lander, which will then launch them into Martian orbit for pickup and return to Earth around 2033.

Notably, the review suggested a single helicopter may suffice for backup sample retrieval instead of the proposed two.

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[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Here's a short summary of the linked article

Star Citizen is an ambitious space simulation game that has been in development for over a decade but has yet to release. It has raised over $600 million from crowdfunding yet faces significant delays. Possible reasons for the prolonged development include an initially small team, engine troubles, and an ever-expanding scope. The game now faces high expectations that will be difficult to meet given the lengthy development. While the alpha shows potential for an impressive space adventure, the project has attracted controversies around its lengthy delays and lack of a release date.

If Star Citizen is able to overcome its development challenges, it aims to deliver an unprecedentedly vast and seamless space simulation experience.

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[-] AbstractifyBot@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Here's the best summary I could make of the linked article

Japanese scientists have found microplastics present in cloud water samples collected from Mount Fuji and Mount Oyama. Analysis revealed between 6.7 to 13.9 pieces of microplastic per liter of cloud water. Nine types of polymers and one type of rubber were identified. Microplastics have been shown to degrade when exposed to sunlight, contributing to greenhouse gases. This suggests microplastics may now be an intrinsic part of clouds and the atmosphere. Microplastics are ingested by both humans and animals, and have been detected in various organs. An estimated 10 million tons of microplastics end up in the oceans each year through ocean spray. If not addressed, plastic air pollution poses risks to climate change and the environment.

The study provides the first evidence of microplastics present in cloud water.

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