[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 3 points 1 hour ago

And now we have to suffer at least another 30mins of this rubbish. Thanks Bellingham but almost would have preferred the final whistle before the goal.

[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 1 points 2 hours ago

Yeah it's frustrating. Change it up, make the opposition team have to readjust to a new line up, new players, new formation.

Do something to challenge them.

[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 5 points 2 hours ago

Well Slovakia have made it thrilling. England.... Not so much.

[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 4 points 4 hours ago

Playing basically the same starting lineup again. Just Mainoo in.

Don't think Southgate will ever change things up, we just have to hope the fact it's a knockout game actually wakes the players up. It's all on them to change things for the better cause the manager won't.

[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 17 points 1 day ago

Oh I get it. The top picture is a bike. 🚲 The bottom picture is the same bike after being hit by a 6ft tall SUV while trying to cross that intersection.


Apparently for a documentary. I wonder why they have picked a United game for this? Probably because they know there will be controversy, since we'll likely at some point throw the game by getting in a stupid position that leads to the ref having to make a idiotic and unexplainable call that will ultimately gift Palace a win late on.

submitted 2 months ago by 2000mph@lemmy.world to c/reddevils@lemmy.world

The youth teams again showing the first team how it's done.

[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 32 points 2 months ago

Great, we should see many more companies accepting back everything they sell as recycling. It should be the norm.

submitted 3 months ago by 2000mph@lemmy.world to c/reddevils@lemmy.world

Manchester United Vs Everton at Old Trafford

Line up Onana; Diogo Dalot, Varane, Evans, Lindelöf; Mainoo, Casemiro; McTominay, Bruno Fernandes(C), Garnacho; Rashford.

[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 30 points 7 months ago

Great, Mastodon is really starting to be able to replace much more of Twitter now. The only thing i miss from Twitter was the local accounts I followed for info, will be a while before they all abandon and move over, but hopefully in the end.

[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 17 points 7 months ago

This is great. It's so good to have this game maintained by the community. I played this game so much as a kid and have returned to it many times since. I think I'm due another go! 😈

[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 23 points 8 months ago

Nice to see something impressive done with a ping pong ball on the internet that isn't NSFW.

That machine is impressive though. If it's a preprogrammed sequence that's great, but if it's got sensors to monitor and adapt on the fly its even more impressive.

submitted 8 months ago by 2000mph@lemmy.world to c/reddevils@lemmy.world

Qatari banker Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani has withdrawn from the process to buy Manchester United. He, like the rest of us has given up on dealing with the Glazers and has walked away.

I see a lot of comments saying this is a disaster and the end for Man Utd, but if that is true it was over for us long ago if being bought by some Oil Giants from the Middle East was our only hope.

RejoinEU March today in London (www.independent.co.uk)

Appreciate the people taking part trying to keep this on the agenda. May be a few years before we'll see any progress but these people are keeping us on the right path, however long it is.

[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 31 points 9 months ago

It makes sense. It may suprise a lot of people on here but their biggest market is not the people who demand 4k 60FPS in all games and will riot if they don't get it. Their main market is kids playing FIFA and Minecraft and other casual gamers who just enjoy fun games at a reasonable budget. For that they really got it right with the Series S.

[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

I have no idea what I'm doing.

[-] 2000mph@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

The quality of Lego helps, you shouldn't ever really need to be throwing them away. The problem I do have with them is the excessive use of single use plastic in their packaging. So many plastic bags in all their sets. I'm sure they said they were sorting that out but I'm still getting packages full of plastic bags! It can't be that difficult to sort that out and repalce those with some cardboard boxes or paper bags!

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