In the back of my mind with all this, I have this thought that Saskatchewan is doing the right thing here.
Keep in mind this is coming from someone who fully supports 2SLGBTQIA+ rights, it's not even a question for me and never has been.
But for this I really worry about the kinds of things that could happen if a parent (especially a hardcore bigotted one) finds out about their child's name and/or gender change in an unexpected way.
Say prime bigot number one (we'll call him J so as not to disparage any common names) comes to the school to pick up his kid J Jr. J isn't super proud of his son, thinks he's a bit of a pansy really, but that don't mean no nothing no how that anyone else can treat his boy like a pansy. So there's J watching his son walk up to him, when another kid he doesn't know comes up behind J Jr and says "Hey M!" (M being a quintessentially feminine name) and little M (nee J Jr) immediately turns, then realizes their dad is watching and freaks out, turning, embarrassed, blushing and runs to the car. J sees all this and misinterprets it as the kid teasing/bullying his son. What happens next?
Or even more simply the school sends a report card, email or letter to one or more bigotted parents at home using the "wrong" name or pronoun for the kid. What happens next?
So anyway, I don't want any kid to have to go through their transition or find their true selves while dealing with evil, bigotted parents, but the fact is, these are minors and their parents or guardians will be involved, some way, somehow. And maybe I'm stereotyping here, but evil, bigotted parents are also the kind of people you don't necessarily want to be surprising with info like this.