I watched the first 3-4 seasons before it wore thin. Now, like 5 years after its final season, I see it referenced places and the guys doing commercials. Can someone explain?

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[-] ShunkW@lemmy.world 32 points 1 week ago

When it made it to Netflix, it had a resurgence. It probably reached a wider audience, and it's honestly a good binge show. I think it's fun, albeit super unrealistic.

[-] Shadow@lemmy.ca 22 points 1 week ago

What's her face from the show marrying the prince dude, also probably helped.

[-] jeffw@lemmy.world -3 points 1 week ago

All the comments on this post and you’re the only one who got why it had a recent surge in popularity lol

[-] Alto@kbin.social 5 points 1 week ago

It's a feedback loop. A fairly small jump can get you trending, which makes people watch it, which makes it even more visible, rinse and repeat.

[-] I_Fart_Glitter@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago

Netflix was suggesting it to me on the regular for a while a few months back. I watched a season or three but it got very convoluted and I lost interest in trying to keep up with what was going on.

[-] ColeSloth@discuss.tchncs.de 4 points 1 week ago

Reminds me of a soap opera with slightly less over the top reactions.

[-] nullPointer@programming.dev 3 points 1 week ago

the "Donna box" was super cringe.

[-] hedgehog@ttrpg.network 13 points 1 week ago

It first showed up on Netflix in mid-2023, in the middle of the writer’s guild strike (meaning there was a dearth of new content). So basically the Netflix effect. It had been on other streaming platforms before - Prime Video and Hulu - but Netflix is still a juggernaut compared to them - it has 5 times as many subscribers as Hulu, for example, and many of the subscribers to Prime Video are incidental and don’t stream as much on average as Netflix users.

I assume Netflix funded off-platform advertising, but the on-platform advertising has a big effect, too. And given that Suits broke a record in the first week it was on Netflix and they have a spinoff coming, it makes sense that they would keep advertising.

[-] jeffw@lemmy.world 13 points 1 week ago

People on this thread don’t seem to understand the REAL reason for its resurgence.

Meghan Markle. Y’know, Duchess… Harry’s wife? Not saying Suits was a bad show (only ever saw an episode or two because a friend used to love it 10+ years ago) but its recent popularity is all about her.

[-] someguy3@lemmy.ca 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Wasn't it popular in the first season?

I agree I only watched it at friends places and it wore thin pretty fast.

this post was submitted on 10 May 2024
34 points (87.0% liked)

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