Magneto was right . (lemmy.sdf.org)

Atleast in the x-men 97 season 1 . Idk if it fits here but i thought of it in the shower .

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[-] Pandantic@midwest.social 24 points 2 weeks ago

Do you want to let us uninitiated know what he was right about?

[-] cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone 5 points 2 weeks ago

wasnt magneto and professor x always supposed to channel malcolm x and martin luther king jr so that their methods balanced each other

thats why i always sympathised with magneto not with everything he did but with his general ideas

[-] ghostface@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

I tend to agree, with his point that humanity will conduct and be passive as it does horrible things as a down whole.

But also a single individual as the vice president proves have the power to make change to corrupt systems.

Def shower thought!

[-] RyruGrr@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

He was a relatable character, in what he wanted, but he forced the Mutant gene on that dude, then that guy died. I just remember he wanted to rinse/repeat that on the whole city (not knowing everyone would die). I think it's an oversimplification to say he's right, but he's definitely relatable, which makes him a terrific villain.

this post was submitted on 04 May 2024
-15 points (34.7% liked)


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