submitted 1 year ago by bauhaus@lemmy.ml to c/startrek@lemmy.ml
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this post was submitted on 14 Aug 2023
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Star Trek

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A community for discussing all things Star Trek here on Lemmy.ml! Open discussion of all Trek-related topics is welcome, but please keep all discussions respectful and civil!

New to Star Trek? Want to learn more? Here's A Guide to Star Trek Series and Films curated just for this community!


Rule 1 - Don't be a dick

This includes any kind of trolling, baiting, etc. Be respectful, even when disagreeing. Bigotry may result in an instant permaban.

Rule 2 - No misleading or non-descriptive titles

Posts linking to articles should use the article title. Self-post titles should be detailed but brief.

Rule 3 - Keep posts and comments relevant

Posts must be related to Star Trek and Trek-related subjects. Try to keep comments relevant to the parent comment and to the post.

Rule 4 - Star Trek is political. Limited discussion of those topics as they relate to Trek is permitted -- keep it civil

Star Trek is an inherently political franchine which often discusses sociopolitical issues as metaphor for contemporaneous society. Ignoring this would be dishonest, as the intent is to be thought-proviking and to invite discusson. This is permitted here, but only as it relates to the immediate topics raised in the show. Keep it relevant and keep it civil.

Rule 5 - Expressing criticism of certain shows is permitted here, but keep it relevant and don't be a dick about it

We can't have open, honest discussions about Trek unless we acknowledge both the good and the bad, but going on huge rants and tangents is counterproductive and toxic. Keep comments relevant and try to be constructive in your criticism. Saying, "X sucks balls!" isn't helpful, but saying, "X lacks character depth and could be improved by Y," is a much better approach which invites further discussion. Keep in mind Rules 1-4.

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All posts containing spoilers must start be tagged using the [ SPOILER ] tag or they will be removed until they are fixed/reposted with the proper tag. All comment spoilers must be marked using Lemmy's spoiler tag (below) or they will be removed.

spoiler Spoiler Title a bunch of spoilers here :::


Rule 7 - No low-effort / spam posts or comments. No meme posts, but relevant meme comments are permitted

Try to be thoughtful in your posts and comments. Comments like "this!" add nothing and are what the upvote button is for. These are considered spam, and will be removed. Meme posts aren't allowed (plenty of Trek meme communities already exist), but meme comments are ok if they're relevant. Repeat offenses may result in a ban.

Rule 8 - No referral / self-promotion / affiliate links, personal voting / campaigning / funding, or selling posts

This community is for discussing Trek, not you or your business/website/etc. These are considered spam, and will be removed. Repeat offenses may result in a ban.

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