Here is a link to a current winter drive, part of the money is intended to get land for the organization to hold in trust and steward. Leo is a big source of where we are buying the land as he does not want to sell to /just/ anybody, and trusts us as we have saved his life already before. We still need to raise about $1700 to buy a 2 bedroom trailer home with free hauling to location, in return for a parcel of land. This is overall more than a 15k dollar value and I really hope one of you tech bro types see whats happening here. There is a lot of good places to use your ill gotten wealth specifically on NDN land. If you make more than 2k a year you make more than the average person on my reservation, we are bringing several jobs this year with the help of the Nation of Hawai'i, and helping with some incredible historical achievements as well that you will read about. I can confidently say that. So be apart of something bigger than whats on offer because we will move mountains this year, especially as the people become our mountains. Our governing documents will release this year along with our website but if youre holding out then I recommend just actually investigating our social media listed on also just so you know this isnt like hes comfortably sleeping on someones couch. We were only just able to get him a cot and he sleeps everynight in a snow suit like he's going to chop wood. He deserves a home
Total Donations: $3,344.65
- Mods do not vet individual mutual aid requests. Donate at your own risk and hold each other accountable. If you see something even remotely suspicious, do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of a moderator for review.
- All mutual aid requests must go in this community.
- Do not request donations for funding anything explicitly illegal.
- Sending censored donation receipts to the moderator team is based.
- Moderator Pinning Rules:
a. Moderators are strictly prohibited from promoting/endorsing/pinning individual mutual aid requests (especially those of their own) as this creates unfair post visibility and could therefore benefit more from that than the standard user. Moderators caught engaging in this behavior will be swiftly removed from the moderator board with extreme prejudice.
b. Moderators are allowed to pin and crosspost to !main donation requests for large scope issues such as natural disaster relief funds and bail funds (Example) along with other crowd or moderator compiled informational resources pertaining to donating or volunteering (Example) so long as the utmost due diligence is done prior to endorsement, especially in the case of directing people to donate to non-profit organizations.
c. Financial documents of non-profit organizations available to the public must be heavily scrutinized before moderator endorsement and links to those must also be included in the endorsement post to help the community make their own decision as to whether or not they should donate.