I have this on my Pixel 4XL. If the battery is below 35% and I play audio, it reboots. It's annoying. And this is running stock Android, so I believe it's a kernel problem.
haha funny 35% for me it is the same. wehen it's a kernel problem, shouldn't it then on all Pixel 4? does an upgrade or downgrade to another android could change the problem?
I can't think of another explanation. An upgrade should fix it, but whether Google will do an update or not is another issue.
My P4XL is fine playing audio. I almost exclusively use AntennaPod, if that helps.
it is also if I play a podcast trough the speakers with #AntennaPod. one of my often used apps btw. an excelent product and #floss.
Likely a power consumption spike of some sort that produces a voltage drop under the minimum voltage for the battery. Older batteries would drop deeper for the same load. Change the battery.
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