Not rocking, gently handling, until my Dbrand case arrives. ๐ Still using my Pixel 6 Pro till then.
Haha seems we're all babies about our phones :) I wasn't gonna leave the house w/o a case !
I used to go naked for many years. But then these devices began living longer and started getting inherited by relatives and friends. So I had to start dressing them to keep em in shape for the next user.
Living longer and rising in price.
Got my pixel 8 pro the other day don't have a case for mine yet I ordered the dbrand ghost one so I will fully move over to it when it arrives.
Ya I got a cheapie one off Amazon so I could leave the house with it :)
Yea much to scared the amount of times I broke my pixel 4 is crazy... One time there was no way a case was saving it.
I'm generally pretty easy on phones but as the price keeps rising, I get more worried about dropping them!
Would love to hear what people think about signal strength. I have struggled with it on a family of 6 pros.
I bit the bullet over the weekend and ordered to take advantage of the free watch offer. I have some time to cancel since delivery isn't scheduled until near the end of November.
my day-to-day regularly has 1-2 bars of signal. My P6 Pro would sometimes only get 0.1-3 mbps. My 8 Pro is getting 150 mbps down in the same location. Also, it doesn't heat up as much and the battery life is way better.
Mine seems very similar toy 7pro. I can't remember if that was better or worse than my 5. But I'd say at least "normal" for the last couple pixels I've had.
Here's my experience. I had the last 3 Pros (6, 7 and now 8).
Signal was utter crap on the 6. I fought with the modem for MONTHS, kind of forced to stay on the beta channel just to get as many modem firmware updates as early as possible.
Even when the situation finally got a bit more stable, there were still occasional drops in signal strength and overall worse signal than other devices.
That's also one of the reasons I got the 7 Pro. It's been smooth sailing since then, no complaints whatsoever. The 8 Pro is performing equally well.
Been digging my P8P so far, great upgrade from the P6P. The squished feeling could also be the resolution, which is slightly smaller on the 8P. What fixed it for me was going into developer options and changing the dpi to "411" which matched my 6P settings. :)
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