I am curious if anyone with better knowlage of material science would know if the stainless steel doors wouldve opened with the "jaws of life" Ive seen images of high speed crashed cybertrucks and it seems that the outer shell barely deforms from the impact. Even if a rescue team was on the scene would they have survived?
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
The car started burning pretty quickly after it crashed, even if there was a jaws of life next to the car at the crash I don't think you'd have time to even find a crack to wedge the jaws into before they wound be dead.
I only have vehicle rescue operations (not technician), but my guess is those panels will pop off with just a pry bar, exposing a seam where we could place a spreader.
So you assume the spreader would be able to deform the frame and door seam regardleas of the strength of the door pannels? Not exactly the answer i was looking for bc id still like to see it in action. The tesla truck was presented as indestructable which seemed foolish from the start. (lacking crumple zones, and the material choice) it was being critized from the start, idk how it passed saftey standards.