I'd like a dark green one, I'll mess around today and see what comes out of it. I'm enjoying the app, awesome job ๐ป
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What do you want to name it?
Maybe Peachie
Cool. Thank you very much! Your theme will be added in the next update.
Im at work I'll try Thema at home. If i can good things, I'll share.
If anyone makes a theme, I'll name the theme after them.
Err it would be confusing to name both themes the same. Would you like to assign each a different name of your choice?
Maybe you can say Purple by Talha E. Green by Talha E.
Green looks great, thanks ๐ป
I did Two Themes. My name talha ๐ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TS3gl8STiyyN9Vb7osLCRkNgLN-NY7QX/view?usp=drivesdk
Will add for the next update thanks!
This is a great app. I'm very happy with the Material You theming on my device. I do wish there was a dark program icon though.