That’s really cool. I love the style so much!
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thanks! very kind of you.
Looks good. You have liner on one eye and not on the other, which is the only thing that I really saw.
Your proportions, expression, colors, composition, etc., are great.****
Yeah, I realise it now. Thanks for pointing it out.
It reminded me of Marisa Tomei. Not that it’s a portrait of her, but as if it’s a relative.
that's a nice idea though. Thank you! I'll draw her face next.
A lot of personality shining through here
Thank you Sir!
I think it's really good. Keep at it! What software are you using?
I use Krita. although I use maybe 10 percent of its features.
I love the art style and facial expression. It feels like a very relatable moment - like when you hear something wild in public and can't help but turn to look.
You are right, The reference photo didn't have too much detail on her face, it was a wide angle shot from distance and she was having a look back while walking on the street.
It has a lot going for it.
If there was more contrast on the face (so it’s less flat) and thicker eyelids (less white of the eyes as well or maybe they’re too uniformly white), I’d wager the face would “pop out” more.
It’s coming along nicely!
That's a valid point, I made it overly saturated and lost some contrast towards the end. Thank you!