Roger Corman recycles the spaceships and score from Battle Beyond the Stars to create another low-budget space opera. Space Raiders stars the kid from Sylvester Stallone vehicle Over The Top.
this post was submitted on 03 Mar 2025
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10 million miles is not even to Mars.
They were just giving the kid a ride to the Space Circle-K to get a Space Icee.
Over the Top is an absolute cracker.
You better turn your cap backwards when you talk about it.
I turn my hat backwards when I game.
that's when they know's on.
Just watched it. Not bad, not good. Generic 80s kid with a bowl haircut. We watched Battle Beyond the Stars a couple weeks ago on Monsterdon and I didn't even notice the spaceship footage and score reusage.
- I watched it on Tubi:
- also on youtube? the video's like 4 minutes shorter tho:
- uBlock Origin adblocker on Firefox works on those links
Thanks for the links! Looking forward to this.