I had the original back in the day. So many of these are brutal, I always felt bad including them in sessions.
Love mods for games!
Anyone else picked this up? It's a reissue/conversion of a classic publication. Can't wait!
I own all the others, so I suppose I will if it's not the size of a 1985 Toyota Truck like they've been lately. But I bought the previous ones as the 5E conversions and after a decade I've grown tired of 5E, so odds are low I'll ever play them.
Well, at least #4 is selling for $400 on eBay, so you might actually earn on them if you ever rid yourself of the Toyota Trucks. ;)
This is is the smallest of the whole series, by weight. Merely a Toyota Corolla.
D&D Next - 5e Discussion
A place to discuss the latest version of Dungeons & Dragons, the fifth edition, known during the playtest as D&D Next.
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