Irony anyone? For that town name
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From the Tribunal's decision. It was ruled that voting against displaying a pride flag is not necessarily discriminatory. The mayor, however, stated his reason for denying the request was because there isn't a straight flag. It was ruled his decision was based on sexuality, and therefore, discriminatory. The other councilors who voted against the resolution were fine.
[51] However, Mayor McQuaker’s remark during the May 12 council meeting that there was no flag for the “other side of the coin ... for straight people” was on its face dismissive of Borderland Pride’s flag request and demonstrated a lack of understanding of the importance to Borderland Pride and other members of the LGBTQ2 community of the Pride flag. I find this remark was demeaning and disparaging of the LGBTQ2 community of which Borderland Pride is a member and therefore constituted discrimination under the Code
So because he didn’t want to be discriminatory, he got charges of discrimination.
Good job, Human Rights Tribunal
Good to see they have their priorities in order lol