Thank you for the heads up!
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I found this announcement after the fact but explains why I couldn’t access things.
Honestly, I’m never really concerned with downtime on, you are so on top of it that if it goes down I know it’ll be up again in a couple hours and gives me a chance to go touch grass.
Thank you for all you do!
For real. If i can't load in I just figure he's updating something and ill come back later. It's never a problem simply because I know Sunaurus is on top of everything.
Bye bye
Ig am browsing on this acc :P
We back baby 😎 users we're so back!
i wonder when .world going to bite the bullet? their ua still shows as 'Lemmy/0.19.3-4-gc98049af6'
Thanks for update. I was really worried. You are best.
See you again soon!
FWIW we've seen some odd federation issues too. Posts on remote instances not making it to us, but nothing in the logs to indicate a problem.
Seemed to start around the time 0.19.7 came out, but that might be a red herring. (we haven't upgraded yet)
At least it’s not friday 😅
Never update on a Friday
Top lemmy admin
It's a quick in-and-out update, barely any downtime!
my dad said the same thing!
Thank you for the chuckle 😄
How did it go?
Thank you for hosting the instance!
Long live King Sunaurus, Lord of the!!