Thank you! It's nice to see my favorite communities join Lemmy. I've been using Reddit less and less.
Who are we?
We are digital librarians. Among us are represented the various reasons to keep data -- legal requirements, competitive requirements, uncertainty of permanence of cloud services, distaste for transmitting your data externally (e.g. government or corporate espionage), cultural and familial archivists, internet collapse preppers, and people who do it themselves so they're sure it's done right. Everyone has their reasons for curating the data they have decided to keep (either forever or For A Damn Long Time). Along the way we have sought out like-minded individuals to exchange strategies, war stories, and cautionary tales of failures.
We are one. We are legion. And we're trying really hard not to forget.
-- 5-4-3-2-1-bang from this thread
I.... am honestly surprised, your aren't hosting your own instance...
It's not like we have a shortage of resources, lol
Well, if ya need help getting one stood up, LMK.
I have kubernetes manifests which can be used, or, the normal github repo for lemmy has docker-compose and ansible playbooks.
I'm so glad there is an alternative to reddit now. I love this community and would find it hard to leave reddit if there wasn't an another similar forum
So cool that you're trying this out.
Hi guys. If you're looking for an instance, is fast and easy to join. Lemmy has a long road ahead of it but I'm here for the ride.
Long time lurker here (or there), so I finally created an account to contribute. Thanks datahoarders for all the knowledge you spread on the internet, even if it is geared towards hoarding some questionable stuff.
Questionable like 300TB+ of unique Taylor Swift media?